Update of data from Laravel user table


Viewed 127 times


I’m trying to perform an update, the successful json Sponse is returned, but when I consult the database is not changing the data.

I tried to:

Route::put('alteraDadosPerfil/{id}', 'Auth\LoginController@alteraDadosPerfil');

function alteraDadosPerfil(Request $request, $id){

     return response()->json('Dados de perfil alterados com sucesso', 200);

You have to perform some additional procedure to update the users table generated by the Standard?

1 answer


When you have the findOrFail() doesn’t need the first(). And instead of using the fill(), use the method update().

function alteraDadosPerfil(Request $request, $id){
        \DB::transaction(function() use($request){
    } catch(\Exception $e){
        return response()->json([$e], 500) 

    return response()->json(['Dados de perfil alterados com sucesso'], 200)

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