Does code always return the last character?


Viewed 52 times


I have the following code

var browserType = 'mozillad';
var browserType2 = browserType[browserType.length-1];


Because he returns d it is returning the last character but explain me why put browserType inside the parentheses and then use the length property to -1 and then it’s gonna work

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3 answers


The variable browserType contains a String 'mozillad'. In Javascript you can measure the length of a string (the number of characters) by accessing the property .length of the same. In this case making console.log('mozillad'.length); gives 8.

In Javascript, to access one of these characters can be used 'texto'[posiçãoDoCaracter], that is to say 'mozillad'[0] will return the first letter m. What can be confusing here is that the index for the first letter is 0, and not 1. This is a feature of the language. And following the same reasoning to get the last letter you can use 'mozillad'[7]. And again, notice that here we use 7 and not 8 because we started at zero.

So your code in practice is:

'mozillad'[8 - 1]

which is exactly console.log('mozillad'[7]);, that is to say: d

  • 1

    well explained example thanks


.length, when used in a string (in this case, 'mozzilad'), returns the number of characters of this string. 'mozzilad' has 8 characters, carrying browserType.length - 1 is equal to 8 - 1 = 7.

By accessing browserType as an array, using the index browserType.length-1, browserType[browserType.length-1] will return the 8th character, which is at index 7 of the array.

              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 // Índices da array
              1º 2º 3º 4º 5º 6º 7º 8º // browserType possui 8 caracteres
browserType: [m, o, z, z, i, l, a, d]
                                   ^ // Caractere a ser retornado

Remember that the array indexes start counting from 0 (index 0, index 1, etc.), and the number of characters starts from 1 (1st character, 2nd character, etc.), so -1 is placed in the .length.

  • Thank you helped a lot of hugging

  • +1 - good idea to add the indexes next to the letters

  • Thank you, I usually understand more easily when there is a "visual" representation of the explanation, so I try to put them in my answers when I see that


It is returning d pq you are accessing the last character Browsertype[whole Arry index] q in the above case is Browsertype.length -1 which is total of -1 positions

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