How to go through these vectors "$_SESSION['gatos1']"
and when he finds a value equal to "$idt"
it returned me the values contained within the vector that contains the value equal to the "$idt"
function buscar($idt){
for($i = 1; $i < count($_SESSION['gatos2']); $i++){
for($s = 0; $s < count($_SESSION['gatos1'][$i]); $s++){
Ever tried to use with foreach?
– Jeison Guimarães
Yes, yes, but once I use it does not deliver all the data that has in the vector where it has the value that is equal to "$idt".
– manomsk
But how is this vector? It would be good if you showed an example of it.
– Andrei Coelho
From a print_r (json_Encode ($_SESSION)) and put the answer here is easier to help.
– user78859