Error while deploying Laravel project


Viewed 199 times


By doing the deploy of my application on a Linux machine returns an error stating that the view was not found

"View [auth.login] not found." 

But the view is in the folder, and then the page reloads and another error is informing including the path (path) old machine

file_put_contents(C:\xampp\htdocs\usebit_admin\storage\framework/sessions/71d4ahDlA4Di04lO03Zgri7g3RqUYl4yxfh1bi2M): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

In my local machine works perfectly, what are these mistakes and how I repair them ?

  • How this procedure was done?

  • Try renaming the "vendor" folder to "vendor.bkp" and then run the following command at the project root composer update --no-scripts, and test the project again.

  • I followed the following procedure to deploy

  • Try running the following commands at the project root, composer dump-autoload and php arsisan cache:cleanand see if the mistake will continue

  • I still can’t solve are the same mistakes

  • are you using git? Maybe you forgot to add the files? git add .

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1 answer


Possible reasons:

  1. You are reading the compiled file from your Standard. You can clean using:
php artisan clear-compiled  
php artisan view:clear # limpar apenas views
  1. If you use git, you may have forgotten to add the file(s) (s)?
git add .

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