Handling a txt file with javascript


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Well, I wanted through a txt file, to transform the lines into arrays (if it is better) to search within it a sequence with 9 numbers, and then link to an image. Obs: within the txt’s that will be read there will be more than one sequence with 9 numbers. can do this with Ode or other technology

const readline = require('readline')
const fs = require('fs')
const readable = fs.createReadStream('Marcas2507.txt')
var rl = readline.createInterface({
    input : readable,
    output: process.stdout

   console.log(line) // Não sei como transformar o txt em um array para identificar uma sequencia de 9 numeros nele
  • You can give examples of what the .txt?

  • 916427416 Publication of opposition registration request (formal examination completed) Holder: restricted Date of filing: 12/13/2018 Presentation: restricted Nature: restricted Nominative element: restricted CFE: 27.5.1 NCL(11): 41 Specification: restricted; Proxy: restricted

  • after the sequence of 9 numbers(process number) there is a line break

  • And what do you want to do is extract these 9 digits each time they appear? Is the structure always the same? (ie: numbers > line break > text | and the same repeated N times)

  • I want to link these 9 numbers to an image (as if it were an image naming through the process number (the 9 numbers in the case). And yes there is always a line break every time these 9 digits appear

  • You could read the whole file at once and do something like this: https://jsfiddle.net/Sergio_fiddle/btLpn6x1/ is what you’re looking for?

  • How would I identify this 9-number sequence of this JSON to switch to an image or place within an array? only the numbers

  • I still don’t fully understand what you want to do... have you seen my jsFiddle? there is created an array as you look. That’s not how you thought?

  • I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear, here’s the deal. i want to develop a software that reads a complete txt file and extracts from it only the processes(sequence of 9 numbers) and store this data somehow, so that then I link each process with a specific image. in your example you have stored all the information within the array. i just want to store the process number.

  • https://jsfiddle.net/Sergio_fiddle/btLpn6x1/4/ ?

  • perfect, thank you very much!!

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1 answer


If you want to extract the numbers you can do so, assuming that the file formatting is consistent:

const txt = `
Publicação de pedido de registro para oposição (exame formal concluído) Titular: restrito Data de depósito: 13/12/2018 Apresentação: restrito Natureza: restrito Elemento nominativo: restrito CFE: 27.5.1 NCL(11): 41 Especificação: restrito; Procurador: restrito

Publicação de pedido de registro para oposição (exame formal concluído) Titular: restrito Data de depósito: 13/12/2018 Apresentação: restrito Natureza: restrito Elemento nominativo: restrito CFE: 27.5.1 NCL(11): 41 Especificação: restrito; Procurador: restrito

const data = txt
  .map(str => str.trim())
  .filter(str => {
    if (!Boolean(str)) return false;
    const match = str.match(/^\d{9}$/);
    return match && match[0];
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));

In practice you separate the file line by line and then extract only the lines that start and end with numbers, exactly 9.

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