Error php Grab Column Database


Viewed 37 times


The name of my column in the database is DATA PASSAGE (with this space between words), when I try to access by the html of the error below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I’m in doubt, how can I make php identify this space without modifying the name in the database table

  • There is no table column with space, at least as far as I know

  • 2

    It’s not a good thing that, but ->{'name outronome'} seems to work I have no way to test now but still change the basis is better

  • Virgilio Novic, put your suggestion as an answer, because it worked what you went through.

  • Regarding I can not change the column name in BD, it is due to I do not have permissions for this, as it is company database.

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