How to upload multiple images to SQL Server using JSON in ASP.Net MVC?


Viewed 545 times


I need to insert a set of information into the SQL Server database data, but along with them some pictures along with some strings. I’m wanting to move everything by JSON.

Input to select image:

      <div  class = "form-group" > 
           <label  for = "legendaFoto5" > Legenda </label> 
           <input  type = "text"  class = "form-control"  id = "legendaFoto5"  placeholder = "Legenda da Foto " > 
      </ div> 
  </ th>

As I pass to JSON (it’s not going well until I changed the first sfoto1InputFile to be able to carry, but it didn’t work):

<script  type = "text/javascript" > 
    $ ( document ). ready ( function  ()  { 
        $ ( "#salvarLevantamentoFicha" ). click ( function  ( evt )  { 
            var sfoto1InputFile = $ ( "#foto1InputFile" ). get ( 0 ). files [ 0 ]; 
            var sfoto2InputFile = $ ( "#foto2InputFile" ). image ; 
            var sfoto3InputFile = $ ( "#foto3InputFile" ). image ; 
            var sfoto4InputFile = $ ( "#foto4InputFile" ). image ; 
            var sfoto5InputFile = $ ( "#foto5InputFile" ). image ;

            var strlegendaFoto1 = $ ( "#legendaFoto1" ). val (); 
            var strlegendaFoto2 = $ ( "#legendaFoto2" ). val (); 
            var strlegendaFoto3 = $ ( "#legendaFoto3" ). val (); 
            var strlegendaFoto4 = $ ( "#legendaFoto4" ). val (); 
            var strlegendaFoto5 = $ ( "#legendaFoto5" ). val (); 
          $ . getJSON ( "@Url.Content(" ~ /CadLevantamentoAmbiental/ SalvarFichaLevantamentoTC ")" ,  { 
                _sfoto1InputFile : sfoto1InputFile , 
                _sfoto2InputFile : sfoto2InputFile , 
                _sfoto3InputFile : sfoto3InputFile , 
                _sfoto4InputFile : sfoto4InputFile , 
                _sfoto5InputFile : sfoto5InputFile , 
                _strlegendaFoto1 : strlegendaFoto1 , 
                _strlegendaFoto2 : strlegendaFoto2 , 
                _strlegendaFoto3 : strlegendaFoto3 , 
                _strlegendaFoto4 : strlegendaFoto4 , 
                _strlegendaFoto5 : strlegendaFoto5                

</ script>

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