Function does not recognize hidden elements


Viewed 30 times


I have a function, it works perfectly, but I need to hide the fields, which do not need to appear to the client, but when hidden, the function does not receive the values, I am using this way:

<div class="col-md-4" id="fim">
  <label id="lblFim" class="control-label">Data Fim</label>
  <input id="txtVencimentoC" type="text" class="form-control" data-mask="00/00/0000" style="display:none" data-mask-reverser="false" />
  <input id="txtTol" type="text" class="form-control" data-mask="00/00/0000" style="display:none" data-mask-reverser="false" />
  <input id="txtDataTolerancia" type="text" class="form-control" style="display:none" data-mask="00/00/0000" data-mask-reverser="false" />
  <input asp-for="PS.DataFim" id="txtDataFim" type="text" class="form-control" data-mask="00/00/0000" data-mask-reverser="false" />

I’m using the:


Remembering that he is inside the end id=div, and sometimes I need to hide the whole div. I do it this way:


How can I hide the fields, and they continue to function ?

Edit: How I get the data in the function:

  function GravarDados() {
var dataInicio = $("#txtDataInicio").val();
var dataFim = $("#txtDataFim").val();
var diaVencimento = $("#txtDiaVencimento").val();
var tolerancia = $("#txtTolerancia").val();
var valor = $("#txtValor").val();
var planoId = $("#cbplanos option:selected").val();
var tipoPlano = $("#txtTipoPlano").val();
var pessoaId = $("#id").val();
var proporcional = $("#lblProporcional").val();
var dataTolerancia = $("#txtDataTolerancia").val();
var vencimentoC = $("#txtVencimentoC").val();
var descricao = $("#cbplanos option:selected").text();
var pre = $('#cbpre').prop('checked');
var pos = $('#cbpos').prop('checked');
var pro = $('#cbproporcional').prop('checked');
var url = "/PessoasServicos/Gravar";

    url: url
    , data: { DataInicio: dataInicio, DataFim: dataFim, DiaVencimento: diaVencimento, Tolerancia: tolerancia, Valor: valor, PlanoId: planoId, TipoPlano: tipoPlano, PessoaId: pessoaId, Descricao: descricao, Proporcional: proporcional, Pre: pre, Pos: pos, Pro: pro, DataTolerancia: dataTolerancia, VencimentoC: vencimentoC}
    , type: "POST"
    , datatype: "html"
    , success: function (data) {
        if (data.resultado > 0) {

If I make it visible, it receives the values, if I put the style="display:None" it does not receive the values.

  • Which plugin are you using there, girl? Wouldn’t it be the case that this lib is ignoring elements with display: none? You can add this information to the question?

  • Your code works: can show you the exact way you are using it?

  • When I take the data in a function to pass to the controller, it does not receive it.

  • @Sergio, could it not affect the fact that she is using ASP NET CORE? because your test is not taking into consideration the compilation that Net Core makes

  • I updated the question with the data, I use the same function in webforms, and it works with the style="display:None", but in ASPNET CORE, it doesn’t work.

  • this code is run " dry" on the page or within a function? what is the code string to get to that point? (cc @Wallacemaxters)

  • The function is called by clicking the button, it works, when the elements are visible, if I put the None display, it does not recognize.

  • 1

    @Sergio my concern is whether . NET CORE may be "removing" elements with display: none. It’s just a guess. If it changes the behavior of the tag based on an attribute, I thought the same might happen in the case of the display: None

  • It worked here, instead of putting display:None, in the function even I hide, doing so: $("#txtDataTolerancia"). Hide(); $("#txtVencimentC"). Hide();

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1 answer


Create an object in javascript and pass it as parameters, instead of passing data: { DataInicio: dataInicio, , surely your controller has no optional parameters and when you don’t pass it the data doesn’t get into the controller.

Try to do it this way.

var dados = Object();

dados.dataInicio = $("#txtDataInicio").val();
dados.dataFim = $("#txtDataFim").val();
dados.diaVencimento = $("#txtDiaVencimento").val();
dados.tolerancia = $("#txtTolerancia").val();
dados.valor = $("#txtValor").val();
dados.planoId = $("#cbplanos option:selected").val();
dados.tipoPlano = $("#txtTipoPlano").val();
dados.pessoaId = $("#id").val();
dados.proporcional = $("#lblProporcional").val();
dados.dataTolerancia = $("#txtDataTolerancia").val();
dados.vencimentoC = $("#txtVencimentoC").val();
dados.descricao = $("#cbplanos option:selected").text();
dados.pre = $('#cbpre').prop('checked');
dados.pos = $('#cbpos').prop('checked'); = $('#cbproporcional').prop('checked');

    url: url
    , data: { 'data':  dados}
    , type: "POST"
    , datatype: "html"
    , success: function (data) {
        if (data.resultado > 0) {

public ActionResult XXXXXXXXX(string data)
  • The problem is not this, when the elements are visible it receives perfectly, already managed to solve. Thank you.

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