Randomize results with PHP


Viewed 762 times


I have such a structure (which I created):

<div class="banners">
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_1")?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_2")?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_3")?>
<div class="banners">
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_4")?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_5")?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_6")?>
<div class="banners">
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_7")?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_8")?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_9")?>

I need to randomize the results from 1 to 9 so that all banners when giving a refresh receive a variable with a random number and that does not repeat.

Something like: meubanner_$numeroaleatorio. I don’t know exactly what this process is related to, loop or something else.

  • 1

    Hi Marcos, I edited the question tags and I assumed that is the do_shortcode of Wordpress. That’s right?

  • Well, I searched the web and there are no other instances of the function do_shortcode(). Only if it’s a custom function of yours, and if that’s the case, adjust the tags and give me a tap to adapt my response.

  • 1

    You can use the function Rand(initial number, final number), which is native <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".Rand(0,10)); ? >. And of course you save on lines of code.

7 answers


Another way to do not exactly 'random' is to take the banner array and call shuffle() to shuffle it. Then you can create a function that removes items from the array to avoid repetition using array_shift(). The symbol & means that the variable is passed as reference or that is to each function call an item will be removed from $banners

function exibirBanner(&$arr){
   if(!empty($arr)) return array_shift($arr);

$banners = array('banner1', 'banner2', 'banner3', 'banner4');

echo exibirBanner($banners) .'<br>';
echo exibirBanner($banners) .'<br>';
echo exibirBanner($banners) .'<br>';
echo exibirBanner($banners) .'<br>';
echo exibirBanner($banners) .'<br>';
echo exibirBanner($banners) .'<br>';


  • It is also a solution since the amount of banners is exact and can be drawn. Thanks for the solution presented.


Wouldn’t that be?

<?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".rand(1,9))?>

Or better, not to repeat, use the function array_rand(). Create an array with the numbers 1-9 and Randomize, then with a loop create the structure you want.

$vetor = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
$random = array_rand($vetor, 9);

for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) {
   echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$vetor[$random[$i]]);
  • That was the answer I was looking for amid so many possible solutions. Congratulations!


Instead of doing 9 shortcodes [meubanner_*] in Wordpress, this can be solved with one: [meubanner]. I adapted to solution of Mary to make the random number without repetition. And I made a plugin OOP to be able to store the array of numbers already selected.

Each time the do_shortcode("[meubanner]") is called, the Shortcode will execute the method random() which returns a random number which are not in the array $num_selecionados. Before returning, the new number is stored in the array avoiding its repetition.

 * Plugin Name: (SOPT) Nove shortcodes randomicos
 * Plugin URI:  /a/31205/201
 * Author:      brasofilo 

    array ( SOPT_31161_Shortcode::get_instance(), 'plugin_setup' )

class SOPT_31161_Shortcode
    protected static $instance = NULL;
    public $num_selecionados = array();

     * Constructor. Deixado publico e vazio intencionalmente.
    public function __construct() {}

     * Acessar a instancia de trabalho deste plugin.
     * @return  object of this class
    public static function get_instance()
        NULL === self::$instance and self::$instance = new self;
        return self::$instance;

     * Usado para iniciar os trabalhos normais do plugin.
    public function plugin_setup()
        add_shortcode( 'meubanner', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) );

     * Shortcode [meubanner]
    public function shortcode( $atts, $content )
        $html = sprintf(
            '<h3>Banner #%s</h3>',
        return $html;

     * Retorna um número randomico de 1 a 9 que não esteja na array $num_selecionados
     * Inspirado em /a/31170/201
    public function random()
        $value = rand( 1, 9 );

        // Executar até achar um número que não esteja em $num_selecionados
        while( in_array( $value, $this->num_selecionados ) )
            $value = rand( 1, 9 );

        // Adicionar novo número a array
        $this->num_selecionados[] = $value;

        return $value;

     * Imprimir 3 divs contendo 3 shortcodes cada
     * Modo de uso: <?php SOPT_31161_Shortcode::get_instance()->print_banners(); ?>
    public function print_banners()
        for( $i = 1; $i <=3; $i++ )
            echo '<div class="banners">';
            for( $j = 1; $j <=3; $j++ )
                echo do_shortcode( "[meubanner]");
            echo '</div>';

And in the template or widget, call the function that prints 3 Divs containing 3 shortcodes each with:

    if( class_exists( 'SOPT_31161_Shortcode' ) {

The result is:


  • And in this code you have already added to be shown three at a time as the need presented?

  • 1

    I updated the answer by incorporating the creation of Divs within the class and showing the obtained result.


In php is what they said.... rand(1,9) As it comes to banner, something like an image... it would not be better to bring by js?

var numero = Array();

//Populando o array de 0 a 8
for (i=0; i < 9; i++) { 
    numero[i] = i;


//Somente escreve o resultado, adaptável pra sua necessidade
for (i=0; i < 9; i++) { 

//Faz manipulação algébrica pra puxar o próximo resultado
function randOrd() { 
    return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); 


For no repetition use this code:

Online Example: Ideone

    $array_number = array();
    for($i = 1; $i <=9; $i++)
        $value = rand(1,9);
        while (in_array($value, $array_number))
            $value = rand(1,9);
        $array_number[$i - 1] = $value;
    function do_shortcode($value){
        return $value;

<div class="banners">
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[0]);?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[1]);?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[2]);?>
<div class="banners">
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[3]);?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[4]);?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[5]);?>
<div class="banners">
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[6]);?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[7]);?>
     <?php echo do_shortcode("meubanner_".$array_number[8]);?>

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Obs: the Function do_sortcode placed in my example is simply for testing.

  • 2

    This solution is perfect and exactly what I need because there is no need to stay inside a loop or any element that individualizes execution to a specific block of code, like you can put it anywhere.


Let me propose another possibility, no manual loops:

$ids = range( 1, 9 ); // Define o intervalo

shuffle( $ids ); // Embaralha

$ids = array_chunk( $ids, 3 ); // Divide em blocos de 3

// Monta a estrutura



    function( $ids ) {

        echo "<div class=\"banners\">\n\n    ";

        array_map( 'do_shortcode', $ids );

        echo "\n</div>\n\n";


And the function do_shortcode, as long as it can be located within the scope of the Application, it will do what it has to do, whatever it is.

By way of example, a simple implementation like this:

function do_shortcode( $id ) { printf( "meubanner_%d\n    ", $id ); }

Within the previous code, would show something like (since it’s random):

<div class="banners">



<div class="banners">



<div class="banners">




you can do this using php’s Rand() function. follows example of usage:

 int rand ( int $min , int $max )

Then just concatenate with the string.

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