Disable all inputs from a form using css only?


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I’m implemented some controls in a prototype, and I’m creating a dashboard overlay to represent background processing, loading asserts server, search data on the server, finally to represent that the system is working and the user should wait.

For that I am creating a div on every application, with a z-index greater than the content I wish to leave unchanged for the client while he awaits the process. But I found that even with the div about the content is possible to access it through tab, as you can see here in the example.

So I would like to somehow disable the inputs or avoid access to it through tab, but this using only css (javascript is not feasible), something in this sense:

form.disabled input {
    /*  o que procuro é algo assim: */
    disabled: disabled; /* isso não funciona e nem existe no css, é só para exemplificar o que pretendo */
    /* como desabilitar todos os inputs deste form com css, sem usar javascript? */
    /* ou no minimo como não permitir da o foco no inputs quando o form estiver desabilitado */


Is there any way css to disable a input html?

  • There is no way to disable an input via CSS. You will have to either set the attribute in the element, or "simulate" a disabled with background-color and cursor

  • 1

    "javascript não é viável" I feel your pain.

  • @Beet, you saw my example, what I intend is not to let the user interact with the form, while the overlay is being displayed and the form with the class disabled

  • I saw yes. I understood the problem of tab, I just pointed out that it is not possible (and nor should it be).

3 answers


Unable to block access to inputs with CSS only.

What you can do is simulate this lock, so that the user understands that the input should not be used, example:

form.disabled input{

Example: FIDDLE

The problem with this "simulation" is that by pressing tab the user still ends up selecting the field "disabled", which could cause confusion. Otherwise there is still the problem of the field still accepting values, IE, if I press tab and start writing on it, even without showing it would still accept what I write.

  • Yeah, it’s kind of good placement, and maybe it’ll be useful, but the problem that it unintentionally moves is still there, I don’t intend to use javascript for that because I’m working with angular.js and I’d just like to set the context variable loading, for example and the form already disable and the loading go up, still I will look for other alternatives. Thank you for the alternative, and clarification.

  • @Fernando If your goal is to block the entire screen while loading some information, another interesting solution would be to create a div above all, in order to block user actions until the upload is complete.

  • But that’s what I’m doing follow my example here, but still the form can be accessed.

  • how about disabling the tab button when div appears?

  • @Marcelobonifazio, What? How to disable tab?

  • edited my answer below, is a POG, but I see no better solution rs

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The only point to add to the comments above is that if the user has any debugger, he can rehabilitate the form fields.... at least enough to edit the content.. and so maybe submit the form..

A possible solution would be to modify the imput="text" by a label with the information, but I think it would have to be quite cunning

Not counting the various browsers where each one accepts a limited amount of attributes that in turn is different from the other.... then it starts to blur the programmer’s side

It means that one does not work much with the hypothesis that the user has enough knowledge to know about these HTML/JS/CSS.. then what we can do is disguise ourselves...


test this to block the tab:

function teste(evt){
    tecla = evt.keyCode;
    if (tecla==9) {$("#aa").focus();}

and puts that in the form:

<form id="esse" onkeypress="teste(event)">

the first field of the form I put the id 'aa' to receive the Focus, then it is as if he understood that the tab went back to Dice 0, and every time he type tab, he adds 1 to the Dice, and removes 1 from the Dice.

Ai when the form is locked Oce removes the test event(Event) from the form, when the form is unlocked, adds the test event(Event).

Anyway, it is a great gambiarra, but it is the best solution I found rs

  • I understood your idea, is an alternative, I created an alternative also that avoids entry with Focus in input, accompany here my solution.


I developed a solution (type == POG), which solved my particular problem, and will only work if used with a div overlay on content that does not allow direct user handling with the form, my solution avoids the input of the focus in the inputs children of a form with the class = disabled. Besides Focus, I’m also manipulating the events of mousedown click change and trying to cancel them. Follow my solution:

$('body').on('focus mousedown click change', 'form.disabled input', function(e){
    // cancel stack events

    // remove focus

    return false;

Unfortunately I had to use javascript.

Follow the online example of my solution.

Note: This is not a definitive solution, nor close to it, is the solution to my particular problem, and I keep waiting for a more efficient solution.

  • Champion, another thing that I had already forgotten, is the possibility of Voce put a tabindex="-1" in all form fields when Voce block it! Then the tab will not enter the form

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