How can I loop to insert data into a table in my form and then send it to my database?


Viewed 89 times


//Part of the form to which I want to apply the loop

        <div class="form-row">
          <div class="form-group col-md-6">
            <input name="cursolivre" id="cursolivre" class="form-control" type="text" value="">
          <div class="form-group col-md-6">
            <select class="form-control" name="segmento" id="segmento">
              <option value="Administrativo">Administrivo</option>
              <option value = "Tecnologico">Tecnológico</option>
              <option value="Tecnico">Técnico</option>
              <option Value="Livre">Livre</option>
        <div class="form-row">
          <div class="form-group col-md-3">
            <input name="iniciol" id="iniciol" class="form-control" type="date" value="">
          <div class="form-group col-md-3">
            <input name="termino" id="termino" class="form-control" type="date" value="">
          <div class="form-group col-md-2">
            <label>Carga Horário</label>
            <input name="cargahorario" id="cargahorario" class="form-control" type="number" value="">
        <button class="btn btn-default btn-adicionar-curso-livre" onclick="inserirTabela()" type="button"><span></span><img src="{{ asset('imagens/plus.png')}}" width="20px" alt="">  <strong>Nova Atividade</strong></button>
        <div class="form-row">
          <div class="form-group col-md-12">
            <table class="table table-striped">
              <thead class="table-light">
                  <th scope="col">Curso</th>
                  <th scope="col">Segmento</th>
                  <th scope="col">Inicio</th>
                  <th scope="col">Termino</th>
                  <th scope="col">Carga Horário</th>
                  <th id="dado1"></th>
                  <th id="dado2"></th>
                  <th id="dado3"></th>
                  <th id="dado4"></th>
                  <th id="dado5"></th>

//Insertion code

function inserirTabela(){
  var curso = document.form1.cursolivre.value;
  var segmento = document.form1.segmento.value;
  var inicio = document.form1.iniciol.value;
  var termino = document.form1.termino.value;
  var cargahorario = document.form1.cargahorario.value;

  document.getElementById("dado1").innerHTML = curso;
  document.getElementById("dado2").innerHTML = segmento;
  document.getElementById("dado3").innerHTML = inicio;
  document.getElementById("dado4").innerHTML = termino;
  document.getElementById("dado5").innerHTML = cargahorario;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When I click on new activity, I need to insert it in a new line below the first activity, save in an array to send to my bank.

  • Ideally you would create a Javascript object, and each post you would include that object of a new record in an array. In the procedure of saving in the database. Then you would have several approaches, you can send the array to the server, so that the server persists, or create a function that goes through the array, going to the server for each record. If you want any of these approaches, I can create an answer with Js code for you.

  • I accept yes, I need a north!

1 answer


Allan, basically what you need is to work with a javascript object. I’ll call this object an activity.

Model class

function atividade() {
    this.curso: undefined,
    this.segmento: undefined,
    this.inicio: undefined,
    this.termino: undefined,
    this.cargahorario: undefined  

I initialize the properties of the object with Undefined, for a preference of mine, but you can start with null, ``, the way you understand it is most convenient to you according to the scope of your project.

Event click the new activity button

Well, now that we have the object, in the new activity button click event, you should map the activity object with the form values.

var novaAtividade = new atividade();

novaAtividade.curso = document.form1.cursolivre.value;
novaAtividade.segmento = document.form1.segmento.value;
novaAtividade.inicio = document.form1.iniciol.value;
novaAtividade.termino = document.form1.termino.value;
novaAtividade.cargahorario = document.form1.cargahorario.value;


The variable atividades, is an array that must be created in a global scope of the file that controls the screen with its form, its declaration must be made as follows:

var atividades = [];

[] says that the activity variable will receive an empty array, thus the method push() becomes possible to be executed.

push() will make the inclusion of the object novaAtividade at the end of the array.

This way the user can include amounts activities want. For this answer I will take the approach of going through the array atividades, and go to the server for each record. For the approach of persisting the array, it already has to be on the server, but I imagine the idea in php, be the same as I will be with JS.


As I do not know, its function, I will only describe idaAoServer(activity), to identify the moment the entity persists.

Basically, on the button that will have the event save the data typed by the user, you must include the following block:

for (atividade in atividades){


Objects with javascript builder

Push method

for in Objects javascript

  • First of all thank you for helping me, not abusing how I will make the added data appear at the bottom of the table? The image I sent shows part of the form that is divided into categories, this addition is for the user to view, sending the data to the database will be only at the end. Recap I just want to add more than one activity in the table below, and when the user finishes the other form fields will submit all.

  • ok, you have to use php or javascript, to do a for in the`activities array. Ai you can use javascript for this, or php.

  • set Iver some difficulty, let me know, I have no custom of using pure javascript for this, normally use Angularjs, is simpler, quick to use.

  • I am using the Laravel, php would not be better for good practice reasons?

  • I can’t tell you about good practices, so I know php solves this on the server and returns the modified html, I prefer javascript because it will solve this for you in the client’s browser, which decreases the server, and better the performance of your app.

  • Good then I will try to do in javascript for practicality but the example you gave me do not know how to apply within the Framework(Laravel)

  • I’m sorry, I don’t use lockable, so I don’t know how to help you with this part, I guess I had to see your tags, not give you an answer. I use javascript for everything, and my server is totally uncoupled from the presentation. So I don’t know how to help you in php.

  • From what I read, you use the Standard to do what I am guiding you to do m javascript, ie, is an answer outside your reality. Sorry!

  • All right, since you are good in javascript and have knowledge with angular I think you can help me here: I’m using the Ionic based on the Angular

  • Ah yes, I’ll look for you.

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