Changing an element with jquery


Viewed 794 times


I have a list of items and each item on that list is a link with a lot of attributes and items within that link.

summarizing my link like this:

<a href="#" class="editItem list-group-item" data-id="1001" data-validate="2014-09-08">
    <h4>Meu Item</h4>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>

What I am doing is that I click on this item, then opens a modal that has a form that the user fills this form and when saving I should update this item, but remembering that I have to change the <a> whole, for it may have attributes of it that alter and the texts as well. I’ve done all the ajax part, this sending right, I’m just not able to replace even.

I tried something like

    type : 'POST',
    url : 'pagina.php',
    data : dados,
    success : function ( html ) {
        var itens = $("a.editItem");
        $.each(itens, function(i, item) {
            // item_id é uma variavel que tenho que da o item clicado
            if ( $(item).data('id') == item_id ) {

                // AQUI ESTA O MEU PROBLEMA
  • And what do you get from ajax? HTML with a new element? o data-id of the element?

  • ajax return is html with the item <a href="#" class="editItem list-group-item" data-id="1001" data-validate="2014-09-08">&#xA; <h4>Meu Item</h4>&#xA; <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>&#xA; </a> but that item can have different date-validate and text as well, already the data-id is the same

  • And that element you receive from ajax should override the right click?

  • that’s right, I thought to remove the clicked item and then put the return in place because I have other items and with that the user knows what he changed and just continues the list

2 answers


To replace elements with jQuery you can use .replaceWith(). The syntax is

$(elementosOriginais).replaceWidth(<novo conteudo>);

So in the function where listening to the click can do:

$("a.editItem").on('click', function(){

    var este = this;

    // chamar o ajax
    // etc...
    success : function (html) {

And so the clicked element will be replaced by the new one coming from ajax.
It is important to do var este = this; before ajax, because the this inside the ajax does not refer to the element clicked;

Note that this method removes all the handlers associated with the removed element. Then I suggest delegating the event receiver to something like:

$(document).on('click', 'a.editItem', function(){

Edit: From the comment you left below I realize that you can’t take the step var este = this;. It would be interesting to see the code to see what ajax is called. Anyway you can get the data-id of the element that ajax returns and use this data-id to find the link you want to remove.


success: function (html) {
    var este = $('a[data-id="' + $(html).data('id') + '"]');
  • You still keep removing the item, and I have no way to store the this in the variable este as in the example, because when the user clicks to save the item in the modal dai will scroll the save ajax in the bank in another function in another file and to make this update this being in another function as well. It seems a little confusing, but with this I am using these functions in many other parts of the system

  • @Marcelodiniz the element coming from ajax has the same data-id as the element clicked? this data-id must be unique?

  • that’s right, I have several items, each one has a unique id

  • I even tried to put this variable este for testing, but as this outside the scope of the function it does not even find.

  • @Marcelodiniz updated the answer

  • So @Sergio, I understood what you did but it still didn’t work. But just for the record, I did a test like this $(item).replaceWith( "<a href='#' class=''>teste</a>" ); And then he put this link with the test in place. What I see is that having the same data-id is not working. Now I’m thinking of a solution.

  • 1

    @Marcelodiniz Can do console.log(html); in the sequence of the ajax?

  • @Marcelodiniz give one to this example:

  • There is no more need for me to show the return, because when I went to do this I realized that at the end of the return I had an error and so he stopped the execution. But still thank you so much for everything. It helps a lot.

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In jQuery version 1.9 you can try using . replaceWith().

The use, in your case, would be something like:


Now, get smart 'cause the new <a> inserted does not have the callback registered, which means that if you click on this new <a> subsequently, it will not call the function that opens the modal window you quoted earlier.

  • That was my first attempt, and it didn’t work. Just for the record, I am using 1.10.2, and it will also be another problem if you can’t open the modal by clicking on this item, well observed!!!

  • What didn’t work? The item displayed on screen has been updated to what came from the server or not? I have to know this to go kind of step by step...

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