mkdir(): No such file or directory - Laravel


Viewed 992 times


I have a problem in Laravel, when creating a folder in the Windows, with this method it creates the folder in the Linux, displays the error:

ErrorException in Filesystem.php line 435:mkdir(): No such file or directory

My saved function on Linux:

public function salvar($objArquivo, $objProjeto, $objDataAtualizacao) 
    if (is_object($objProjeto->data_criacao)) 
        $dataAbertura = $objProjeto->data_criacao->format('Y');
            $anoAberturaProjeto = 
                \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s.u', 
        catch(\Exception $e) 
            $anoAberturaProjeto = 
                \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', 
        $dataAbertura = $anoAberturaProjeto->format('Y');
    // 'public/projetos_arquivos/year/codigo_projeto'
    $strCaminho = public_path('projetos_arquivos'). 
                    DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dataAbertura . 
                    DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $objProjeto->codigo; 

    // Nomeia arquivo com codigo do projeto + data passada como argumento
    $strNome = $objProjeto->codigo . "_" . $objDataAtualizacao->format("Y_m_d"); 

    // Cria pasta para o projeto, caso não já exista uma   
        $objProjetoDiretorio = File::makeDirectory($strCaminho);

    // Salvando arquivo no servidor
    $objArquivo->move($strCaminho, $strNome . ".pdf"); 
    $strCaminhoArquivo = $strCaminho . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $strNome . ".pdf";


I even put a var_dump($strCaminho); and the path displays like this C:\xamp2\htdocs\pmi\public\projetos_arquivos\2018\162 only to be displaying the message.

  • What is the line line 435?

2 answers


First, I believe that File::makeDirectory is laravel4 and not 5, paragraph 5 I believe that this function does not even exist (if I am not mistaken)

Maybe you are trying to create in a folder that does not exist, for example, there is no 2018, so you cannot create the folder 162 on the way:


So if that’s all you have to do is create recursively (itself makeDirectory does it) this way:

// Cria pasta para o projeto, caso não já exista uma   
    $objProjetoDiretorio = File::makeDirectory($strCaminho, 0775, true);

To suppress the errors would use so:

$objProjetoDiretorio = File::makeDirectory($strCaminho, 0775, true, true);

Now if it really is Laravel 5, I think you’re actually using Illuminate\Filesystem::makeDirectory, the principle is the same as File:

use Illuminate\Filesystem;


// Cria pasta para o projeto, caso não já exista uma
    $objProjetoDiretorio = Filesystem::makeDirectory($strCaminho, 0775, true);

If you want to suppress errors:

$objProjetoDiretorio = Filesystem::makeDirectory($strCaminho, 0775, true, true);
  • 1

    Thank you William , thank you very much =] that was the example that worked was the example quoted in the 4 placed and managed to create the folder 2018 and put the pdf file inside it =] perfect !!!


How you are using a server Linux, need to give permissions, the native user of php which makes the creation of folders is www-data.

Then in the folder for example projetos_arquivos, you need to change the owner of it to the user www-data of php so that he has permission to write and modify.

Do the following, generate this command at the root where is the fixed folder that I imagine to be the projetos_arquivos:

chown -R www-data:www-data ./projetos_arquivos

This allows a new owner, your folder where it will contain other subfolders may contain others created dynamically now.

I hope it helps you!

  • my friend .. Excuse me in linux he creates... it is in windows that does not create the folder ,I will edit Putz!!!

  • Windows doesn’t have many such restrictions, maybe you didn’t point to the directory correctly, so it’s saying it doesn’t find the location. Take it easy.

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