Migrate: Is it possible to change a table to add a column and already pass some value to it (excluding the nullable() option)?


Viewed 131 times


for example I have the student table (name, age);

Then I create a Migration to add the genus (M/F)

 Schema::table('estudantes', function (Blueprint $table) {

but instead of using nullable(), I wanted to know if it is possible to create this column with all values like M (male), for example.

Is that possible?

  • 1

    Try $table->char("genero", 1)->default("M");

  • worked, thanks!

1 answer


Yes you can add a default:

Schema::table('estudantes', function (Blueprint $table) {

This way if you do not say otherwise when inserting a new row this column will be populated with the value 'M'


  • 1

    It worked! Thank you very much! =)

  • @Ygordutra nothing. You must accept the answer so, under the arrows on the left

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