Texblock - Make a text change event


Viewed 39 times


I’ve seen the property of TextBlock does not have an event when changing text. Is there any way to do an event when the text is changed?

* Remembering that it is for WPF and not Windows Forms. This question is only for WPF.

  • And if you used a Textbox taking out the styles, leaving it identical to Textblock?

  • I use TexBlock because of this property: TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis", it seems that the TextBox does not own this property.

1 answer


Code-Behind Binding

Use a Binding for the property Text and seven in the DataContext of the screen. From there you can use the NotifyOnTargetUpdated and the TargetUpdated, thus:

<TextBlock Name="textBlock1" Text="{Binding MeuTexto, NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True}" 

In the class use the new method textBlock1_TextChanged to treat.

Dependency Property

In your class builder or event Loaded, add that. Source

DependencyPropertyDescriptor dp = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(TextBlock.TextProperty, typeof(TextBlock));

dp.AddValueChanged(textblock_principal, (object a, EventArgs b) =>
      // texto alterado!

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