What would the @DELETE methods of a Restfull java api look like?


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I’m using the FullEntityRepository of deltaspike, the Response has to be a status 204 if successful, and status 400 if not. Any tips? Service layer:

public void deletar(Integer id){
  MotivoConcessao motivoConcessaoParaDeletar = repositorio.findBy(id);

Camada resource:
public Response deletar(@PathParam("id") @Min(value = 1, message = "{recursomotivoconcessao.id.min}") Integer id) {
  return Response.status(204).entity(servico.deletar(id)).build();
  • The variable repositorio is of what class?

  • And the Fullentityrepository guy, the deltaspike. You can help me with that?

1 answer


According to the documentation of Deltaspike, the method remove evokes the method remove class EntityManager. Like the method of the last spear a IllegalArgumentException if it fails, you could try to capture this exception and, if it does, send the reply with the desired status. Example:

public Response deletar(@PathParam("id") 
                        @Min(value = 1, message = "{ recursomotivoconcessao.id.min}") 
                        Integer id) {
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
         return Response.status(409).build();
    return Response.status(204).build();

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