Laravel 5 on google app engine - Error 13 Storage Bucket


Viewed 149 times


I am trying to use the google app engine to run an Laravael 5 application, whenever I try to deploy the following error occurs:

**Updating service [default]....

ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] An Internal error occurred while Creating a Google Cloud Storage Bucket.**

I’m following the documentation that appears on their own website:

Has anyone been there? You know what might be going on?

My account is Free Trial, but I activated the payment, will it have something to do?

1 answer



First of all check if you have the app.yaml file at the root of your project, if you have not created with the code below:

runtime: php
env: flex

  document_root: public

  - .env

  # Put production environment variables here.
  APP_LOG: errorlog
  APP_KEY: /* na pasta do seu projeto rode o comando php artisan key:generate e cole o código gerado aqui, ex: base64:abc...=*/

Enter the folder of your project and the command prompt run 'gcloud init'.

Then choose your account and project in the options it will present

And then just run 'gcloud app deploy'

Note: In your project folder you cannot contain that '.env' file if you have removed it to go up and then put it back into the project.

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