good afternoon! I’m having the following problem: I have a page named php locality which has the fields "name" and "city". In the name field, I enter the name of the locality, as for example, "Beautiful Corner", and in the city field I recover from a table thence. It turns out that when I click on the "Search" button, through the controller url, the page containing the city table is accessed, ie if before the link was http://jfsjunior.tcc.sistema/localidade/cadastro, now becomes http://jfsjunior.tcc.sistema/cidade/pesquisaCidade/tela-localidade. When I click select, the data is loaded into the city input correctly, but what name I entered in the name field comes back empty. I know that as I call the page locality to enter the data of the city, then the page is rendered and then every field that had been filled, turn empty. So the question is, how can I solve this problem?
Note: I am using the Laravel framework (Blade template engine).
From now on I thank.
I think the problem is in the construction of the application. You send it to another page to search the location and then return to the same page with the data filled in? Wouldn’t it be better to use AJAX?
– Wallace Maxters
Because it’s @Wallace Maxters, I’ve been told this, but I don’t have much knowledge about ajax, and unfortunately I don’t have time (tcc)to study Ajax, then published with the hope that someone had gone through something similar and could share their achievements or how they managed to solve the problem.
– João F.S. Junior