I cannot pass Methods as Parameter in PHP


Viewed 87 times


I have the following code


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class DatesController extends Controller
    //Função que calcula o inicio e o fim da semana a partir do dia 
    public static function getWeekBeginEnd($day)
        $day = strtotime($day);
        //Pega o dia da semana
        $number_of_day = date('w', $day);
        //Começa a contar a semana na segunda
        //Clcula o primeiro dia da Semana
        if ($number_of_day < 0) {
            $begin_week = strtotime('-7 days', $day);
            $begin_week = strtotime('-'.$number_of_day.' days', $day);
        // Calcula o ultimo da semana
        $end_week = strtotime('+7 days', $begin_week);
        //Coloca os dados numa array
        $week['begin'] = date('Y-m-d', $begin_week);
        $week['end'] = date('Y-m-d', $end_week);
        //retorna a array
        return $week;

    public function currentYear()
        $current_year = date("Y");
        return $current_year;

    public function currentMonth()
        $current_month = date("m");
        return $current_month;

    public function yearBegin($current_year = currentYear())
        $year_begin = $current_year."-01-01";
        return $year_begin;

    public function yearEnd($current_year = currentYear())
        $year_end = $current_year."-12-31";
        return $year_end;

    public function thisMonthBegin($current_year = currentYear(), $current_month = currentMonth())
        $this_month_begin = $current_year."-".$current_month."-01";

    public function nextMonth($current_month = currentMonth())
        $next_month = $current_month + 1;
        if (strlen($next_month) == 1) {
            $next_month = "0".$next_month;
        return $next_month;

    public function nextMonthBegin($current_year = currentYear(), $next_month = nextMonth())
        $next_month_begin = $current_year."-".$next_month."-01";
        return $next_month_begin;

    public function now()
        $now = date("Y-m-d H:i");
        return $now;

    public function today()
        $today = date("Y-m-d");
        return $today;

    public function todayWithoutSeparators()
        $todaywithoutseparators = date("Ymd");
        return $todaywithoutseparators;

    public function todayTimeStamp($today = today())
        $today_timestamp = strtotime($today);
        return $today_timestamp;

    public function yesterdayTimeStamp($today_timestamp = todayTimeStamp())
        $yesterday_timestamp = strtotime("-1 day", $today_timestamp);
        return $yesterday_timestamp;

    public function yesterday($yesterday_timestamp = yesterdayTimeStamp())
        $yesterday = date("Y-m-d", $yesterday_timestamp);
        return $yesterday;

    public function tomorrowTimestamp($today_timestamp = todayTimeStamp())
        $tomorrow_timestamp = strtotime("+1 day", $today_timestamp);
        return $tomorrow_timestamp;

    public function tomorrow($tomorrow_timestamp = tomorrowTimestamp())
        $tomorrow = date("Y-m-d", $tomorrow_timestamp);
        return $tomorrow;

    public function aftomorrowTimestamp($today_timestamp = todayTimeStamp())
        $aftomorrow_timestamp = strtotime("+2 day", $today_timestamp);
        return $aftomorrow_timestamp;

    public function aftomorrow($aftomorrow_timestamp = aftomorrowTimestamp())
        $aftomorrow = date("Y-m-d", $aftomorrow_timestamp);
        return $aftomorrow;

    public function twoDaysAgoTimestamp($today_timestamp = todayTimeStamp())
        $two_days_ago_timestamp = strtotime("+3 day", $today_timestamp);
        return $two_days_ago_timestamp;

    public function twoDaysAgo($two_days_ago_timestamp = twoDaysAgoTimestamp())
        $two_days_ago = date("Y-m-d", $two_days_ago_timestamp);
        return $two_days_ago;


I’m getting the following error in the last method:

Constant Expression contains invalid Operations

How to correct ?


On the basis of the answer given by my colleague below, I have decided in this way :

public static function currentYear()
    $current_year = date("Y");
    return $current_year;

public static function currentMonth()
    $current_month = date("m");
    return $current_month;

public static function yearBegin()
    $current_year = $this->currentYear();
    $year_begin = $current_year."-01-01";
    return $year_begin;
  • 1

    You cannot set a function as the default value of a parameter.

  • @rray and what should I do to pass the result to the next method ?

3 answers


I believe you have two mistakes first currentYear() will look for a function and not a method within the class:

$current_year = currentYear()

To access the method is required $this

Second, even if I do this:

... yearBegin($current_year = $this->currentYear()) {

It wouldn’t work because the $this would not be accessible, what I recommend is to use null as standard parameter and make a if to check, like this:

public function yearBegin($current_year = null)
    $current_year = $current_year ? $current_year : $this->currentYear();

    $year_begin = $current_year."-01-01";
    return $year_begin;
  • 1

    It’s also an option.

  • 2

    It was the best ! show William.


The correct is to use the "variável" in class and not only in methods. Example:


class DatesController 

    private $year;

    //Função que calcula o inicio e o fim da semana a partir do dia 

    //... restante da classe

    public function setCurrentYear()
        //return $this -> year = date('Y');
       return $this -> year = date('Y');

    public function yearBegin()
        $year_begin = $this->setCurrentYear()."-01-01";
        return $year_begin;


$obj = new DatesController();
echo $obj -> yearBegin();

Actually you wouldn’t have to have an "automatic" Setter, remember that !

This whole class didn’t understand her reason, but doing what you want is there !

  • Gave error: Using $this when not in Object context

  • Put your whole class together for us to see.

  • I posted the whole class @Raoni BZ

  • Yuri, I refilled and tested the code without the extension of the class, and the rest of the code just to see and understand how it would be, because I didn’t understand the need for some methods.


PHP is not a functional language, in this case, vc will not be able to pass a method as parameter, vc can do so.

$current_year = currentYear();//atribui o retorno do método a variável $current_year

yearBegin($current_year);// passa como parametro a variavel $current_year

  • 1

    The variable $current_year is defined only for the method currentYear(), thus it has no value outside the method.

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