Paging with twbsPagination plugin giving problem


Viewed 112 times


Well I made a pagination with the twbsPagination plugin, it works perfectly, but it does not list the amount of elements per page. What did I do wrong? I wanted you to list 4 elements per page. Look at the code:



 // paginação
 var page = 1;
 var is_ajax_fire = 0;
 var current_page = 7;
 var total_page = 3;

 // retorna os clientes cadastrados

 function manageData() {

  dataType: 'json',
  url: url_base + "clientes",
  data: {page:page}

    totalPages: total_page,
    visiblePages: current_page,
    onPageClick: function (event, pageL) {
      page = pageL;
      if(is_ajax_fire != 0){

  is_ajax_fire = 1;

 function getPageData()
    dataType: 'json',
    url: url_base + "clientes",
    data: {page:page}
   }).done(function(data) {



    function retorna_cliente(data)
     var id_cliente = "";
     var nome_cliente = "";
     var data_nascimento_cliente = "";
     var telefone_cliente = "";
     var celular_cliente = "";
     var cpf_cliente = "";
     var endereco_cliente = "";
     var email_cliente = "";
     var container_mostra_cliente = $('.mostra_clientes');
     var itemHTML = "";
     var mensagem_cliente = "Nenhum cliente encontrado";

    if (data == 0)
      $('.cliente-error-registro .mensagem-erro').html(mensagem_cliente);
      itemHTML += "<table id='datatable-checkbox' class='table table-striped table-bordered bulk_action dataTable no-footer' role='grid' aria-describedby='datatable-checkbox_info'>";
      itemHTML += "<thead>";
      itemHTML += "<tr>";
      itemHTML += "<th>";
      itemHTML += "<th><input type='checkbox' id='check-all' class='flat'></th>";
      itemHTML += "</th>";
      itemHTML += "<th>Nome</th>";
      itemHTML += "<th>Data de Nascimento</th>";
      itemHTML += "<th>Telefone</th>";
      itemHTML += "<th>Celular</th>";
      itemHTML += "<th>Cpf</th>";
      itemHTML += "<th>Endereço</th>";
      itemHTML += "<th>Email</th>";
      itemHTML += "</tr>";
      itemHTML += "</thead>";

      $.each(data, function(key,item)
        id_cliente =;
        nome_cliente = item.nome;
        data_nascimento_cliente = formataDataSQL(item.data_nascimento);
        telefone_cliente = item.telefone;
        celular_cliente = item.celular;
        cpf_cliente = item.cpf;
        endereco_cliente = item.endereco;
        email_cliente =;

        itemHTML += "<tbody>";
        itemHTML += "<tr>";
        itemHTML += "<td><th><input type='checkbox' value='" +  id_cliente + "' name='verifica_check_box[]' id='verifica_check_box' class='flat'/></th></td>";
        itemHTML += "<td>" + nome_cliente + "</td>";
        itemHTML += "<td>" + data_nascimento_cliente + "</td>";
        itemHTML += "<td>" + telefone_cliente + "</td>";
        itemHTML += "<td>" + celular_cliente + "</td>";
        itemHTML += "<td>" + cpf_cliente  + "</td>";
        itemHTML += "<td>" + endereco_cliente + "</td>";
        itemHTML += "<td>" + email_cliente  + "</td>";
        itemHTML += "</tr>";
        itemHTML += "</tbody>";

      itemHTML += "</table>";

  • You could create a codepen or similar for us to check?

  • @Brunnovianna In fact it returns all the records but my question is how to pick up only 4 records per page! I believe the magic is there in the #pay-customers

2 answers


This plugin does not serve to handle the data, just to facilitate the creation of a pagination. Who will segment the content is you.

You can, for example, create a series of Divs with the contents divided into 4 items:

<div id="page-1" class="page">

<div id="page-2" class="page">

All this content must be invisible in the display area. Then, in onPageClick, you can run something like:

onPageClick: function (event, pageL) {

So, you can manage how many items will be displayed, but not through the plugin, which does not offer this option.


Do you necessarily need to make this pagination with this plugin? Laravel has native paging on it and is very simple to use!!!

you make a normal query in the vendor table inside your controller as in the example below:

$fornecedores = Fornecedores::where('cliente',$cliente)->paginate(4);

And in your view you display normally

@foreach($fornecedores as $fornecedor)
      //Aqui entra seu html
{{$fornecedores->links()}} /isso irá criar os links de paginação com a formatação do bootstrap

Ready, your paging is done!

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