Difficulty organizing/controller structure in Laravel


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I’m having trouble structuring my controller Arquivocontroller. Main points of difficulty:

  • Select that repeats in different methods
  • I am restricting the search for the logged-in user ID, it would be but appropriate to use policy for this purpose, if yes, how to do this?
  • At some points I use $this->Authorize('files', $Arq), this approach is correct?

Obs: the source code of the project is available at: https://github.com/fabiojaniolima/WebUpload

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Painel;
use Auth;
use App\Models\Arquivo;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

class ArquivoController extends Controller
    private $redirect;

    public function __construct()
        $this->redirect = '/painel/arquivos';

    public function index()
        $arquivos = Arquivo::join('tags', 'tags.id', '=', 'arquivos.tag_id')
                        ->where('tags.user_id', Auth::id())
                        ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
        return view('painel.arquivos.index', compact('arquivos'));

    public function download($id)
        $arq = Arquivo::join('tags', 'tags.id', '=', 'arquivos.tag_id')
                    ->where('arquivos.id', $id)

        if (!$arq)

        $this->authorize('arquivos', $arq);
        $caminho = storage_path('app/' . $arq->caminho);
        return response()->download($caminho, str_slug($arq->titulo, '-') . '.' . File::extension($caminho));

    public function detalhes($id)
        $arq = Arquivo::join('tags', 'tags.id', '=', 'arquivos.tag_id')
                    ->where('arquivos.id', $id)

        if (!$arq)

        $this->authorize('arquivos', $arq);

        $path_arq = storage_path('app/' . $arq->caminho);

        $info = (object) [
            'id' => $id,
            'titulo' => $arq->titulo,
            'extensao' => File::extension($path_arq),
            'tamanho' => File::size($path_arq),
            'carregado' => $arq->created_at->format('d/m/Y à\s H:i:s'),
            'owner' => $arq->email,
            'tag' => $arq->tag,
            'md5' => hash_file('md5', $path_arq),
            'sha256' => hash_file('sha256', $path_arq)

        return view('/painel/arquivos/detalhes', compact('info'));

    public function excluir($id)
        $arq = Arquivo::join('tags', 'tags.id', '=', 'arquivos.tag_id')
                    ->where('arquivos.id', $id)

        if (!$arq)

        $this->authorize('arquivos', $arq);
        $arq = Arquivo::find($id);
        return redirect($this->redirect)
                    ->with(['status' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Arquivo excluido!']);
  • one thing! at the time of showing the files you made a filter by tags.user_id all right, but in the other methods should have repeated this where, if you don’t think? (if you don’t have any user logged in you can see any file!!!)

  • So you’re wrong Fabio, well that’s my opinion.

  • I did not repeat the filter because I am using $this->Authorize('files', $Arq); the filter is there in the app Providers Authserviceprovider.php, I did this because the Provider itself already displays a 403 page of denied access. I could not put the same approach in the index() method because I can not deny access to the page, only prevent the visualization of records...

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