Is it bad practice to make this comparison?


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To compare two values with a single one, I can do as in the example:

if(foo == "abc" || foo == "54") { ... }

But as I need to add more conditions, it starts to get complicated:

if(foo == "abc" || foo == "54" || foo == "23A" || foo == "3xe" || foo == "123") { ... }

To get around this, I put the comparison values in a collection and use the .Contains(). Behold:

if(new String[] {"abc", "54", "23A", "3xe", "123"}.Contains(foo)) { ... }

It works just like the Orelse operator (||).

It is considered a bad practice to use the .Contains() for this kind of comparison and why? What better alternatives would I have?

4 answers


As I always repeat, this good or bad practice depends on context. In this case without knowing all the requirements of what you are doing you cannot answer. Both are correct and acceptable.

If you make the second to be shorter, funnier, in theory save typing, then it shouldn’t, it doesn’t make sense. Especially in C# that privileges the compilation time.

The second has run-time processing to solve something that could have been solved at build time. Let the Contains() for cases where you don’t know what the data list is, or it can be changed frequently, or if it’s too big, which doesn’t seem even close to being the case.

If C# had any optimization that would ensure that the Contains() were linearized And then unrolled, which would probably generate roughly the same code as the first one, so I could do it. Has language that has an operator for this which generates optimized code.

But if you don’t have to worry about running time, you can do it, although I don’t recommend it.

But you have to look at the context, if it makes sense to produce a list, because this is what you’re manipulating, which doesn’t seem to be the case, make a list. If it’s not a list, the most readable is the first. If it’s a list, I don’t know if it should be created in if, she probably should be somewhere else. Do what you want to do best, always.

  • 4

    I think this use of contains would be just by typing really, really good answer =]

  • 1

    Late for the original question, but I would like to complement @Maniero’s reply. While creating an array at runtime and calling a method Contains potentially linear is not a good idea, there are structures like HashSet in time of lookup constant amortized. In particular, I had much success replacing a complicated chain of ifs with dozens of conditions for a ImmutableHashSet static and a call to Contains. Not only did the code get cleaner, the execution also got faster (in a trade-off for a little memory).

  • 1

    It’s true, if you have too many items it starts to make up for it like this, especially if it won’t do true already in the first items in most uses.

  • I once read something that changed my way of thinking: Your time as a programmer is worth much more than a few machine instructions. There’s nothing wrong with your code and it won’t fail (for strings).

  • @Edney therefore must do the right thing because in general it is the one that will give the least work and will work best, including in most cases the right one is the fastest. There’s a difference between right, wrong and anyway, the most dangerous is either way because it feels right but it’s not.

  • There is a lot of discussion about "over Optimization", if this task will be used 1 time a month, whatever... it can spend 10 4 more instructions that either does (but it has to be perfectly functional). Now if the task will run 10 3 times per micro second for 10 years, then it’s worth optimizing as much as you can, even if you spend 10 8 more lines of code.

  • Almost all discussions about optimization that is out there is talk cake recipe, the right thing is always to do what you have to do. When people start not worrying about what they’re doing, that’s when they start giving trouble. People think that producing fast is more important than thinking about what you’re doing, and then you shape everything they do and you get to a point where you lose the reference to what’s right to do, because of the cake recipes. They are adopted because they are more productive in the short term and worse in the long.

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I believe the use of the second approach is preferable (using the method Contains).

There is a big gain in the readability and maintainability of the code.

Particularly, I prefer to declare the array / list before using in the condition if. I believe that this way the readability of the code gets even better. This way:

var lista = new List<string> { "abc", "54", "23A", "3xe", "123" }

if (lista.Contains(foo)) { }

Another alternative (not very good, in my opinion) would be the use of a switch case. Something like:

  switch (foo)
      case "abc":
      case "54":
      case "(etc...)":
          Console.WriteLine("Valor de foo:" + foo);
          Console.WriteLine("Foo não está especificado em nenhum case");

  • This switch doesn’t do the same thing.

  • @Maniero truth, edited. Thank you.

  • Even with editing, I find it extraordinarily worse and does not show intent, at least in this case, although it really is an "alternative".

  • 3

    I agree with @Maniero, it makes no sense to use the switch in comparisons where it has OR or AND conditions


As for performance, it’s practically imperceptible to human eyes, maybe it’s in benchmarking tests. But unless you are writing code for life support (medical area) or other area where response time is critical, there will be no problem.

Based on this reply, it is possible to write an extension method that emulates the conditional In that we normally use in SQL.

E.g.: Select * from Produtos Where Id In (1,2,3,4,5);

I personally find it more beautiful than the syntax of Contains who has to pass the list with the possibilities first, but it’s a matter of taste.

The Extension method would look like this:

public static bool In<T>(this T obj, params T[] args)
    return args.Contains(obj);


if(foo.In("xyz", "abc", "123"))
   // ...


I believe it’s not a bad practice, just a way to organize and make the code a little easier to understand. If the amount of possibility is too great I would put in a separate object.

var listaFoo = new List<string> { "abc", "54", "23A", "3xe", "123", "abc1", "154", "23A2", "34xe", "223" };
if (listaFoo.Contains(foo)) { }

For cases with few elements, it can be declared in the own condition:

if({"abc", "23A", "3xe", "123"}.Contains(foo)) 

Another way, but a little bigger and worse is :

  case "abc":
  case "bcd":
  case "cdf":
    //do something
  case "xyz":
    //do something else
    //do a different thing

Now if performance is very important to you, this is the way with fewer processing steps:

if(foo == "abc" || foo == "54" || foo == "23A" || foo == "3xe" || foo == "123") 
  • This switch doesn’t do the same thing.

  • Now do it, kkkkk. One piece was missing.

  • I’m not sure I understand switch, time that for all the cases in my example I would do the same thing, not different things, as put in "Something", "Something Else".

  • I just mentioned it as a possibility, even though she was bad.

  • 4

    Why would switch be worse? I see interesting switch for certain cases (depending on what will run within the condition), there is no worse or better without context, ie without knowing what will run for each "case".

  • In my opinion, it gets worse in the context of the case presenting. Because it gets bigger and a little less clear, than the previous items. In other cases it can get better.

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