How to map a List to another List?


Viewed 432 times


How can I map a list from one type to another list of another type ?

I’m getting an object list of type

public List<DetalheViagem> DetalheViagems { get; set; }

And I need to move the valuables to another list of the kind.

public List<DetalheViagemDto> Viagens { get; set; }

Is there any way to do it without looping?

passagemAprovadaEdiDto.Viagens = new System.Collections.Generic.List<DetalheViagemDto>()
   // Incluir a lista de objeto em vez de fazer um a um ...
   new DetalheViagemDto()

  • DetalheViagemDto inherits from DetalheViagem or there are only properties in common?

  • Only properties, but not all are with the same name, for example, I have Idviagem in one and the other only Id ...

1 answer


Use the Select in the list, it designs a new type from the current type.


List<DetalheViagemDto> viagens = detalheViagens.Select(t => 
                                 new DetalheViagemDto
                                   Prop1 = t.Prop1, 
                                   Prop2 = t.Prop2,

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