Format data before saving to the database


Viewed 207 times


I’m using the Laravel to develop a system, but I have a problem with data coming from a form, I need to format a data in the following format (#.##) to perform certain calculations, the problem that the value comes with the following format (###.#) making the final value go wrong, don’t know how I can format this data on Controller or before sending it.

Follow the input code

<label for="peso">Peso (Kg) : </label>
<input type="text" name="peso" class="form-control" v-model="peso"/>
<label for="altura">Altura (m) : </label>
<input type="text" name="altura" class="form-control" v-model="altura" v-mask="'#.##'"/>
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
<input type="submit" value="Enviar" class="btn btn-success pull-right"/>

Follow the Controller code where I need to validate the data

public function store(ImcRequest $request)
    $imc = new Imc;
    $imc->peso = $request->peso;
    $imc->altura = $request->altura;
    $altura2 = ($imc->altura) * ($imc->altura);
    $imc->imccalculado = ($imc->peso / $altura2);

    if (($imc->imccalculado) < 16.00) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Magreza severa';
    } elseif (($imc->imccalculado >= 16.00) && ($imc->imccalculado <= 16.99)) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Magreza moderada';
    } elseif (($imc->imccalculado >= 17.00) && ($imc->imccalculado <= 18.40)) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Magreza leve';
    } elseif (($imc->imccalculado >= 18.5) && ($imc->imccalculado <= 24.99)) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Normal';
    } elseif (($imc->imccalculado >= 25.00) && ($imc->imccalculado <= 29.99)) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Preobeso';
    } elseif (($imc->imccalculado >= 30.00) && ($imc->imccalculado <= 34.99)) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Obesidade leve';
    } elseif (($imc->imccalculado >= 35.00) && ($imc->imccalculado <= 39.99)) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Obesidade media';
    } elseif (($imc->imccalculado) >= 40.00) {
        $imc->classificacao = 'Obesidade morbida';

    $imc->user_id = Auth::id();

    return redirect('/imcs');
  • Where does the information? from the database? you can change the mask in the database, it would not be the case?

  • The information the user informs in a form, before saving in the bank I perform a calculation, the value came with the wrong format in the form he ends up saving wrong in the bank.

  • How the Migrations of User ? In any case you can add to the model of User an advisory function to get the field formatted the way you want it.

  • And how would I do that on the model? I’m new to Laravel.

  • William are you sending this with Ajax? by Angular ? and the format would be in v-model Height? has how to tell how you are sending and this included in your question!

  • I am submitting the form by the POST method, the v-model was a test that I did and it didn’t work, I am using Vue to display the user data, but this is done only after the calculation is done.

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1 answer


Try to use:

$imc->peso = number_format($request->peso, 2, '.');
$imc->altura = number_format($request->altura, 2, '.');

Another option of gambiarra:

$num = 100.4;
$num = str_replace('.', '', $num);
$num = str_replace(',', '', $num);
echo substr($num, 0, strlen($num)-2).".".substr($num, strlen($num)-2);

I believe it is better to treat 3-digit numbers with an error message or mask in the form, but these are examples of gambiarras for treatment on controller. A tip, check how the data arrive in controller before, put a dd($request->campoX); at the beginning of the function code because the problem may be in some component loaded in the page JS as well.

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