White stripe below the footer in the Airship with Adminlte


Viewed 173 times


It was learning to use the Laravel 5 Framework, using the Adminlte template and there is a fact that is bothering me a lot, a direct track appears and so cutting the look of the template, below the footer, someone knows tell me what can be.

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2 answers


Make sure, that all page tags (div, form, input) where the problem appears are closed correctly.

            <input type="text" >


In the directory settings config/adminlte.php, which is the template settings change file.

This file is obtained by command in the php terminal

artisan vendor:publish --provider="JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\AdminLteServiceProvider" --tag=views,

go on option 'layout_fixed_footer' => true, should be set as false, this will solve your problem.

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