You’re denying access to even normal characters


Viewed 57 times


This command line is not letting my form access the database even with all normal characters someone who understands more than preg_match can help me?

if(!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]*$",$name)||!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]*$",$title)||!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]*$",$text)){ #verificando se o usuario está usando algum caractere invaido
            header("location: ../contato.php?contato=invalidcharacters");
  • What string is not passing? Do not allow white spaces?

  • was not allowing anything

1 answer


Its expression contains the wildcard character *. The * quantifier corresponds to the previous element ZERO or more times. Thus, even if the string does not contain any unauthorized character, the matcher will simply say: zero combines.

It’s right to use + matching of preceded characters (NOT ALLOWED) once or more.

Was also missing / limits at the end

Your corrected expression:


A suggestion


if(!preg_match("/^[a-z]+?$/i", $string)){

 header("location: ../contato.php?contato=invalidcharacters");


From the beginning ( ^ ) at the end ( $ ) of the string ONLY the amount can exist ( +? ) of letters from a to z ( [a-z] ) uppercase or minuscule ( i ).

( ! ) is the negative of the expression condition, that is, if the string does not consist only of uppercase or minuscule letters.

  • our complicated this method I started programming a month ago and I’m having a lot of trouble with these security methods thank you very much.

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