How to Request JSON Data


Viewed 1,913 times


I need to collect some data from a program that has API:

Pipedrive API Reference

If I understand correctly, for each task, a URL will be generated to do the Requeste from the data, example:***76c******9740**78223a2c

But how do I return this data in my application? The method is GET.

  • You want to know what, specifically? How to request this API using C#?

  • @LINQ exactly that.. Thank you

  • Thomas, it still gets a little wide. Do you want to do it all "in hand"? Use some third party library?

  • @LINQ, so today I’m using Entity Framework, Jquery but I don’t know what the best approach would be.. I saw the staff using Ajax to consume the data, the data coming from this API will be updated frequently.. virtually every page update, I will need to retrieve the data again..

1 answer


Hello, there are some approaches, I’ll quote to what I think is most appropriate, which is using the HttpClient.

If you do not find it in your project, install the following package.: System.Net.Http

public class MinhaController : Controller
    // o HttpClient deve ter uma instancia estatica, para evitar ficar abrindo muitas portas.
    private static HttpClient httpClient;

    static MinhaController()
        httpClient = new HttpClient();
        httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
        httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
        //Se precisar adicionar alguma autenticação, faça o aqui.

    public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
        var stageId = GetStageFromSomewhere();
        var token = GetTokenFromSomewhere();
        var queryString = $"?stage_id={stageId}&status=all_not_deleted&start=0&api_token={token}";
        var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(queryString);
        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            var model = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MeuModelo>(json)
            return Json(model);
        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Erro ao acessar a API.");


The AP has asked to list some other approaches, so let’s go.:

  • HttpWebRequest - Quite complex, but allows you to control every aspect of the request.
  • WebClient - Abstraction of HttpWebRequest, quite simple, without many controls.
  • HttpClient - Available on .NET 4.5, allows operation async/await and combines the best of HttpWebRequest and WebClient.
  • RestSharp - Similar to the HttpClient, but without the async/await and with better compatibility.

So, in your case, the HttpClient is the most appropriate.

  • Friend, thank you for the answer.. could you describe what the other approaches? just the name for me to research? thank you

  • @Thomaserichpimentel made.

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