Error while doing relationship with Lockable


Viewed 649 times


Call to Undefined method Illuminate Database Query Builder::belongTo()

My Models


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Imovel extends Model
    //definindo nome da tabela na migration
    protected $table = 'imoveis';

    //definindo relacao do campo id_tipo
    public function tipo()
        return $this->belongTo(Tipo::class);

    //definindo relacao do campo id_cidade
    public function cidade()
        return $this->belongTo(Cidade::class);


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Tipo extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['titulo'];

    //definindo relaçao entre as tabelas
    public function imoveis()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Imovel', 'id_tipo');


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use  App\Models\Imovel;

class Cidade extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['nome', 'estado', 'sigla'];

    //definindo relaçao entre as tabelas
    public function imoveis()
        return $this->hasMany(Imovel::class);


My controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

use App\Models\Imovel;
use App\Models\Cidade;

class ImovelController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $imovel = new Imovel();
        $imoveis = Imovel::all();           
        return view('admin.imoveis.index', compact('imoveis'));

    public function adicionar()
        $cidades = Cidade::all();
        return view('admin.imoveis.adicionar', compact('cidades'));

My Vew


    <table class="table table-stripped">
        @foreach($imoveis as $imovel)
            <td>{{ $imovel->id }}</td>
            <td>{{ $imovel->titulo }}</td>
            <td>{{ $imovel->descricao }}</td>
            <td>{{ $imovel->endereco }}</td>
            <td>{{ $imovel->cidade->nome }}</td>
            <td>{{ $imovel->status }}</td>
            <td>{{ number_format($imovel->valor, 2, ',', '.') }}</td>
                <img src="{{ asset($imovel->imagem) }}" class="thumb">
                <a href="{{ route('admin.imoveis.editar', $imovel->id)}}" class="btn btn-warning">Editar</a>
                <a onclick="javascript:if(confirm('Deja excluir este usuario')){window.location.href='{{ route('admin.imoveis.deletar', $imovel->id) }}';}" class="btn btn-danger">Excluir</a>
    <a href="{{ route('admin.imoveis.adicionar') }}" class="btn btn-success">Novo</a>

I’m wearing the Laravel 5.4

  • Inform the version of the Standard in the question

  • I’m using the 5.4.

  • Change this line $imoveis = Imovel::all() for $imoveis = Imovel::with('tipo')->get(). If this is the mistake. I will come up with an answer explaining the problem

  • The mistake has changed Call to undefined relationship [tipos] on model [App\Models\Imovel].

  • I added however the error persists in the same.

  • Change lines $this->belongTo('App\Models\Tipo') and $this->belongTo('App\Models\Cidade') in the model Imovel to $this->belongTo(Tipo::class); and $this->belongTo(Cidade::class);. Add the use of both.

  • You’re making that mistake: Call to undefined relationship [tipos] on model [App\Models\Imovel]. again.

  • Update your model Immovel in question to see how it turned out

  • I’ve updated the models.

  • You need to add the App Models City and use App Models Type right after the namespace

  • I have already looked at phpmyadmin and there is the relationship between the tables I am not able to list making a Join Index. Obs( the error remains the same).

  • Your relations are missing configure because you did not follow the nomenclature of Laravel

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2 answers


Lacked a "s" in the belongsTo of both models.

  • You did it in hand because relationships are missing set up!

  • What point in the model should I arrange for relationships to be automatic?

  • put in your question all tables and their relations I give a total example!


See if it resolves by stating the name of the field referenced in the relation, because by default Laravel identifies the related fields by the nomenclature table_id


public function tipo()
    return $this->belongTo(Tipo::class, 'id_tipo');

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