PDO without JSON support


Viewed 72 times


I need to return a line in JSON, but the PDO does not seem to give full support to operations. Always the error message type 245.

PDO::prepare(): Unknown type 245 sent by the server. Please send a report to the Developers

I tested in PDO a simple select SELECT JSON_ARRAY('a', 1, NOW()) and only get the error without further descriptions, nor find anything in the DOC. The same select in the command line in MYSQL returns what is expected:

["a", 1, "2017-07-18 00:11:06.000000"]

Does anyone have a reference to help solve this?

  • What version of PHP and of MySQL?

  • I went to test the function here on the company server, but here and mariadb version 10.1, https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/json_array/ so don’t even try to help kkk

  • @Marcelodeandrade PHP Version 5.5.0, MYSQL 5.7.13

  • @Marceloboni, no problem rs. I played in the sqlfiddle to test and also returns error.

  • 2

    The sqlfiddle version is 5.6, the functions with support for JSON were implemented from mysql 5.7 according to the documentation

1 answer


As you can see in bug tracking #70384, has been fixed in PHP-5.6, PHP-7.0 and master versions (PHP-7.1).

What you can do to resolve momentarily is a CAST on the return of JSON:

  • 1

    I confess that I did not know this. Solved well

  • Know if update only the DLL resolves?

  • 1

    I believe so, in the searches I saw found something about the outdated libs. I’ll try to find to link here.

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