How to drag elements using dragSort inside a scroll div?


Viewed 1,018 times


I need the elements to be dragged only inside a div that has scroll. For example:


<ul id="list1">


h1 { font-size:16pt; }
h2 { font-size:13pt; }
ul { margin:0px; padding:0px; margin-left:20px; overflow: auto}
#list1 { list-style-type:none; margin:0px; white-space: nowrap; width: 100%;}
#list1 li{padding:5px; width:100px; height:100px; display: inline-block;}
#list1 div{ width:90px; height:50px; border:solid 1px black; background-color:#E0E0E0; text-align:center; padding-top:40px; }


$("#list1, #list2").dragsort({ dragSelector: "div", dragBetween: true, dragEnd: saveOrder, placeHolderTemplate: "<li class='placeHolder'><div></div></li>" });

function saveOrder() {
    var data = $("#list1 li").map(function() { return $(this).children().html(); }).get();


Drag the first one there to the last position, with the scroll of the div accompanying.

How to do?

2 answers


Here is a suggestion:

$("#list1, #list2").dragsort({
    dragSelector: "div",
    dragBetween: true,
    dragEnd: saveOrder,
    placeHolderTemplate: "<li class='placeHolder'><div></div></li>"

var onDrag = false; // criar uma flag para saber se o Drag está ativo 
                    // o MooTools tem esta flag nativa mas não encontrei no jQuery...

var $list = $("#list1"); // só para economizar
var dimensoesList = {    // aqui guardo a posicao e largura da DIV mãe
    posicao: $list.position().left,
    largura: $list.width()

function mousePressed(e) {
    onDrag = e.type == 'mousedown' ? true : false;;
$('#list1 li').on('mousedown', mousePressed);
$('#list1 li').on('mouseup', mousePressed); // tb para mudar a flag quando o mouse for pressado

$('#list1 li').mousemove(function (e) {
    if (!onDrag) return; // se não estiver em drag, abortar
    var posicaoMouse = e.clientX; // guardar a posição atual do mouse
    if (posicaoMouse < dimensoesList.posicao + 100) { // caso esteja à esquerda
            scrollLeft: dimensoesList.posicao
        }, 200);
    // estes dois animate deviam estar numa função à parte que recebe o valor do scroll
    // e eventualmente o elemento, se tiver mais listas... fica para você fazer :)
    if (posicaoMouse > dimensoesList.largura - 100) { // caso esteja à direita
            scrollLeft: dimensoesList.largura
        }, 200);

function saveOrder() {

    var data = $("#list1 li").map(function () {
        return $(this).children().html();
  • 2

    But yours also works and serves for other projects +1

  • 2

    Woool, what a lesson! Thank you Sergio.


It’s just add the parameter scrollContainer:

$("#list1, #list2").dragsort({ 
    scrollContainer: "#list1", 
    dragSelector: "div", 
    dragBetween: true, 
    dragEnd: saveOrder, 
    placeHolderTemplate: "<li class='placeHolder'><div></div></li>" 
  • 1

    Haha :) Excellent... and me wasting time doing by hand... +1, curiously the native method of the plugin is half buggy...

  • 1

    And I was surprised... "will Sergio not answer this?" :)

  • 1

    I was also doing in the no hahaha... +1

  • 1

    :) lol... I replied but I took a very long turn. But I think my code is less buggy :P

  • 1

    Yes, I saw some strange things, but as I only tested it on Fiddle I thought it was his thing... @Sergio

  • @Brasofilo, thanks had not attacked me in the documentation .

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