How to show BD data without using table?


Viewed 43 times


I have a table in the comic book that has several lines to show everything in a table, so I wanted anything that had a cursor, to go through all the data... I tried that way, but it’s not working, you can help me?

$dg = new C_DataGrid("SELECT nome, telemovel, email, n_faturacao FROM Paciente");

 $dg -> set_col_title("nome", "Nome do Paciente");
 $dg -> set_col_title("telemovel", "Telem&oacute;vel");
 $dg -> set_col_title("email", "Email");
 $dg -> set_col_title("n_faturacao", "N&#186; Fatura&ccedil;&atilde;o")

 $dg -> display();

  • You say pagination?

  • @Marceloboni What do you mean, I don’t understand the question, sorry.

  • Your table, has many rows, or many columns?

  • @Marceloboni many lines, in this case has many patients

  • As well as a cursor?

  • @To walk up and down

  • Could explain why it’s not working?

  • @Marceloboni I have no idea, what I did, is theoretically correct?

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