Insert data when creating Sqlite table


Viewed 2,265 times


In my database I have a table State and Cities, I would like to enter this data once the app is installed, ie when creating the database these records are already inserted in the tables at once. I did the following code but is only entering the first state

public class BancoDados extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

public static final String NOME_BANCO = "carona";
private static final int VERSAO_BANCO = 1;

public BancoDados(Context context) {
    super(context, NOME_BANCO, null, VERSAO_BANCO);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {


String SQL_ESTADO = "CREATE TABLE [Estado](\n" +
        "[EstadoId] [INT] NOT NULL,\n" +
        "[Sigla] [char](2) NOT NULL,\n" +
        "CONSTRAINT [PK_Estado] PRIMARY KEY ([EstadoId])\n" +

String SQL_LISTA_ESTADOS = "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (1,'AC');\n"+
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (2,'AL'); " +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (3,'AM'); " +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (4,'AP'); " +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (5,'BA'); " +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (6,'CE'); " +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (7,'DF'); " +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (8,'ES'); " +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (9,'GO');  +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (10,'MA');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (11,'MG');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (12,'MS');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (13,'MT');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (14,'PA');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (15,'PB');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (16,'PE');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (17,'PI');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (18,'PR');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (19,'RJ');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (20,'RN');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (21,'RO');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (22,'RR');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (23,'RS');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (24,'SC');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (25,'SE');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (26,'SP');" +
        "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES (27,'TO');";


  • There is a quotation mark missing at the end of the line that inserts record 9. It turns around anyway?

  • Unfortunately it is not. I have removed up to the n in record 1. It still keeps entering only the first state. This running however just inserts the first.

2 answers


so that Voce needs to use a table for this if this data is always static, so use an array states and that’s it, then:

String [][] Estados = new String[][] {

then you catch him using:

int mEstId = Integer.parseInt(Estados[10][0]); // == 9
String mEstSg = Estados[10][1]; // == "GO"

Voce can also use a loop to mount its query and insert it into the table, something like:

public void insereNaTabela() {
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
    String sql = NULL;
    for (int i=0;i<Estados.lenght;i++) {
        sql = "INSERT INTO Estado (EstadoId,Sigla) VALUES ('" + Estados[i][0] + "','" + Estados[i][1] + "');";
// especificamente insere linha a linha na tabela, isso evitaria erros

Remembering that:
1 - sqlite independent of data types, so either you pass 10 or '10' to an integer column will insert the value 10 in the same way;
2 - It is recommended in the documentation to use '10' to enter values, since it is independent of the data type;
3 - you can either use the array directly to get the data you need to grab a state or use the same in the loop to insert into the table if you need a specific relation in db.
Finally, thus, your code would be much leaner.

Health and Peace!


If your version of Sqlite is greater than or equal to 3.7.11 you can insert multiple lines in the same Insert, as documented. Try replacing your SQL string with this:

String SQL_LISTA_ESTADOS = "INSERT INTO [Estado] ([EstadoId],[Sigla]) VALUES " +
        "(1,'AC'), " +
        "(2,'AL'), " +
        "(3,'AM'), " +
        "(4,'AP'), " +
        "(5,'BA'), " +
        "(6,'CE'), " +
        "(7,'DF'), " +
        "(8,'ES'), " +
        "(9,'GO'), " +
        "(10,'MA')," +
        "(11,'MG')," +
        "(12,'MS')," +
        "(13,'MT')," +
        "(14,'PA')," +
        "(15,'PB')," +
        "(16,'PE')," +
        "(17,'PI')," +
        "(18,'PR')," +
        "(19,'RJ')," +
        "(20,'RN')," +
        "(21,'RO')," +
        "(22,'RR')," +
        "(23,'RS')," +
        "(24,'SC')," +
        "(25,'SE')," +
        "(26,'SP')," +

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