Load DIV automatically with Ajax


Viewed 1,070 times


I need a drug IVD to be filled in the moment the user chooses one of the options in a combobox (subtype).

In my index I have the combobox, where I created the Ajax script as below:

$('#subtipo').change( // o subtipo está localizado nesta página.
    function() {
            type: "GET",  
            url: "AJAX_buscaMedicamentos.php?id="+id, //aqui faço os "selects" dos medicamenos
            success: function(data) {
                // Preciso dizer que a div a ser preenchida de ID "box_medicamentos" está em outra pagina, nomeada medicamentos.php.

Now the table to be filled nay this in my index, is on another page called medicamentos.php (this page appears in my index using the JS TabbedPanelsTab).

On the page medicamentos.php the DIV must be completed as below:

echo '<div class="tbline titlecel"><div class="tbcel1"></div><div class="tbcel3">Medicamento</div><div class="tbcel2">Via Administração</div><div class="tbcel2">Dose</div><div class="tbcel2">Unid. Medida</div><div class="tbcel3">Dias Aplicação</div><div class="tbcel3">Ciclos Aplicação</div><div class="tbcel3">Diluente/Reconstituinte</div><div class="tbcel2">Dose</div><div class="tbcel2">Unid. Medida</div></div>';

while (($exibe = oci_fetch_array($parsed_medicamento, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) != false) {
    $NR_SEQUENCIA            = $exibe ["NR_SEQUENCIA"]; 
    $DS_MATERIAL             = $exibe ["DS_MATERIAL"];  
    $DS_VIA_APLICACAO        = $exibe ["DS_VIA_APLICACAO"];
    $QT_DOSE                 = $exibe ["QT_DOSE"];
    $DS_UNIDADE_MEDIDA       = $exibe ["DS_UNIDADE_MEDIDA"];
    $DS_DIAS_APLICACAO       = $exibe ["DS_DIAS_APLICACAO"];
    $DS_DILUENTE             = $exibe ["DS_DILUENTE"];
    $QT_DOSE_DILUENTE        = $exibe ["QT_DOSE_DILUENTE"];

    echo '<div class="tbline"><div class="tbcel1 excluir"><a href="?exclui=ok&id='.$idsession.'&nr_sequencia='.$NR_SEQUENCIA.'"><font color="#FFFFFF">excluir</font></a></div><div class="tbcel3">'.$DS_MATERIAL.'</div><div class="tbcel2">'.$DS_VIA_APLICACAO.'</div><div class="tbcel2">'.$QT_DOSE.'</div><div class="tbcel2">'.$DS_UNIDADE_MEDIDA.'</div><div class="tbcel3">'.$DS_DIAS_APLICACAO.'</div><div class="tbcel3">'.$DS_CICLOS_APLICACAO.'</div><div class="tbcel3">'.$DS_DILUENTE.'</div><div class="tbcel2">'.$QT_DOSE_DILUENTE.'</div><div class="tbcel2">'.$DS_UNID_MEDIDA_DILUENTE.'</div></div>';

Since I do the selects on the page AJAX_buscaMedicamentos.php?id=XX how do I get the page DIV medicamentos.php be filled?

Note: The DIV is on another page medicamentos.php, because this is the page where the user will review the medicines that will appear.

  • From what I see data is a string with HTML right? In this case $('#id-da-div').html(data); do what you want. you’ve tried it?

  • But as I said, the DIV is on another page (medicamentos.php), and the script is on my home where has the combo #subtipo where the user makes the choice and as the choice should be filled the DIV in medicines.php

1 answer


            crossDomain: false,
            headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'},
            url: " medicamentos.php?parametro="+(Variável),

            success: function(dados)
                {   //load_modal("#Mload");
  • This way you will call the second page and can add the values in your div. Voce could also send a reply in json format of the medicines.php page.

  • But what about the queries (select) that I make of the medicines in the page "Ajax_buscamedicamentos.php" according to the ID of the main page?

  • This example I put, needs to be triggered after selecting the combobox option, Voce will be sending what was selected by the GET method

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