Date and Time Data Type Elements


Viewed 79 times


Personal I would like to ask a question, we should treat differently fields that have as kind of data time and date I say in relation to the view, Why I have a problem I need to plot some date and time in a table in my view but the fields that are not date or time appear in a good already the fields that have as type time and date appear as Object

public static List<FolhaBean> bindingProperties(List<Folha> folhas) {

        List<FolhaBean> folhasBean = new ArrayList<>();

        folhas.forEach(folha -> {

            FolhaBean folhaBean = new FolhaBean(folha.getIdFolha(), folha.getData(), folha.getEntrada(), 
                    folha.getSaidaAlmoco(), folha.getVoltaAlmoco(),folha.getSaida(), folha.getBancoHoraNegativo()
                    , folha.getBancoHoraPositivo(), folha.getVersion(), folha.getNomeUsuario());


        return folhasBean;

this is the bean I’m using to bring the information

@RequestMapping(value = REDIRECT_PAGE_CARREGAR, method = RequestMethod.GET)
   public ModelAndView showCarregar(Model model, HttpServletRequest request){

        usuarioBean= folhaService.findFetchAll();

        model.addAttribute("usuarioBean", usuarioBean);

        return new ModelAndView(REQUEST_MAPPING_PAGE_CARREGAR);

    @RequestMapping(value = "/carregarDados", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public ResponseEntity<List<FolhaBean>> carregar() {

        List<Folha> folhas = folhaService.findFetchAll();

        List<FolhaBean> folhasBean = FolhaBean.bindingProperties(folhas);
        return new ResponseEntity<List<FolhaBean>>(folhasBean, HttpStatus.OK);

and that’s the controller.

Fica assim

the code that generates the table is this

id="" data-url="${loadFola}" data-content-type="application/json" data-page-size="5" data-locale="en-BR" data-minimum-Count-Columns="2" data-show-toggle="true" data-toggle="table" data-click-to-select="true" data-Striped="true" data-show-Columns="" data-true-id-field="id"id"id"id" data-show-refresh="true" data-Toolbar="#Toolbar" data-query-params="paginar" data-select-item-name="" data-pagination="true" data-pagination-pre-text="Previous" date-pagination-next-text="Next" data-checkbox-header="false" data-search="true" data-Response-Handler="responseHandler"> id Check-in date Check-out Lunch Check-out Lunch Check-out Positive Bank Negative Bank User License

  • Can add problematic code snippet?

  • Objects of the type Date/Time usually require the call of a method format for display. It would not be the case?

  • so that’s my doubt I don’t know if you need a different treatment

  • How is it displayed in your view? Something like this: Tue Apr 11 13:41:42 GMT 2017?

  • then is currently presented as Object only

  • no date or time is shown

  • I don’t understand. Post a picture of the problem, preferably.

  • see that the id appears normal plus the fields that are date and time stands as Object

  • This seems to be an error in Javascript, not Java. What code generates this table?

  • i created an idea of dynamic table and not Statica table

  • Boy I managed to solve was just a problem of conversion I appreciate the attention

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1 answer


The problem has already been solved in the way I was accessing the object.

I was accessing the object directly, but after I took a look at the json I saw that I needed to access the object and then the attributes of that same object, ex usuario..

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