Enter a password in the VBA Project via module or Sendkeys


Viewed 1,102 times


Hello, I have a spreadsheet matrix that will enter in other thousands of smaller spreadsheets, will save in another extension, will put a code inside this and wanted it to block the vba project of these smaller spreadsheets, I’m trying to use Sendkeys for this, but this inefficient.

Sub entrando_no_padrão()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Dim fld As Object
Dim fld2 As Object
Dim fld3 As Object
Dim fld4 As Object
Dim fld5 As Object

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fso2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fso3 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fso4 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fso5 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim ver_num As Integer
ver_num = 0

    Set fld = fso.GetFolder("C:\1")

    n = 1

    y = 1

    For Each fld In fld.SubFolders

        If fld <> "ESSE_NOME_NÃO_ENTRA" Then

            Set fld2 = fso2.GetFolder("C:\1\" & fld.Name)

            For Each fld2 In fld2.SubFolders

                If Len(Dir("C:\1\" & fld.Name & "\" & fld2.Name & "\PCP- Planos de controle", vbDirectory) & "") > 0 Then

                    Set fld3 = fso3.GetFolder("C:\1\" & fld.Name & "\" & fld2.Name & "\PCP- Planos de controle")

                    For Each fld3 In fld3.Files

                        Call PADRONIZAR(fld.Name, fld2.Name, fld3.Name)

                        SendKeys "%f" & "p" & "^{TAB}" & "{+}" & "{TAB}" & "34670920" & "{TAB}" & "34670920" & "{TAB}" & "~" & "%{F4}"

                    Next fld3

                End If

                If Len(Dir("C:\1\" & fld.Name & "\" & fld2.Name & "\PEP - Plano de embalagem", vbDirectory) & "") > 0 Then

                    Set fld4 = fso4.GetFolder("C:\1\" & fld.Name & "\" & fld2.Name & "\PEP - Plano de embalagem")

                    For Each fld4 In fld4.Files

                        Call PADRONIZAR(fld.Name, fld2.Name, fld4.Name)

                        SendKeys "%f" & "p" & "^{TAB}" & "{+}" & "{TAB}" & "34670920" & "{TAB}" & "34670920" & "{TAB}" & "~" & "%{F4}"

                    Next fld4

                End If

                If Len(Dir("C:\1\" & fld.Name & "\" & fld2.Name & "\FIT - Ficha de Instrução de Trabalho", vbDirectory) & "") > 0 Then

                    Set fld5 = fso5.GetFolder("C:\1\" & fld.Name & "\" & fld2.Name & "\FIT - Ficha de Instrução de Trabalho")

                    For Each fld5 In fld5.Files

                        Call PADRONIZAR(fld.Name, fld2.Name, fld5.Name)

                        SendKeys "%f" & "p" & "^{TAB}" & "{+}" & "{TAB}" & "34670920" & "{TAB}" & "34670920" & "{TAB}" & "~" & "%{F4}"

                    Next fld5

                End If

            Next fld2

        End If

    Next fld

    If x <> x Then


        Open "\\caminha\para\abrir\um\txt" For Append As #2

            Print #2, fld2.Path

        Close #2

    End If

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

That’s it, for now.

  • I answered your question but I was in doubt if you want to block the visualization of VBA in the spreadsheet or generated by it.

  • Those generated by the matrix

  • Via VBA you cannot define a code to protect the "VBA" of the smaller spreadsheets as the VBAProject does not expose the password to be set via code, this would have to be done via Sendkeys

  • I didn’t see any code generating spreadsheets in this section you posted. It would be this PADRONIZAR?

  • "Generate" is a somewhat ambiguous term, it enters a spreadsheet saves it with another extension, inserts a code and I want it to block the project.

  • Not really, because that would be changing, generating would be creating from scratch. Anyway the term is not what is under discussion and neither was the word you actually used. What I mean is, I can’t figure out where you’re opening the other rag, inserting code and changing the extension.

  • Very careful with the way this is being done to another extension as the file may become invalid.

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2 answers


Hello, I have a system that uses spreadsheets as a database, and when I want to access the database, I have to enter a password, if I help you the code is this:

Private Sub btnOk_Click()
If txtSenha.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Digite a senha para acessar o Arquivo", vbCritical
ElseIf txtSenha <> "vba" Then   'senha
    MsgBox "Digite a senha corretamente para acessar o Arquivo", vbCritical
    Application.Visible = True
    Unload Me
    UserForm6.Hide  'aqui é a tela principal do meu sistema fica invisivel
    Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Only create a Userform with a Textbox and Button.


Just you enter the VBA editor, and in the project tree, set a password for the same.

Follow the step by step (done in Word but serves for all Office):

Step 1


Step 2

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Issue 1:

According to your recent comment, you would like to block the VBA code of the worksheets generated by this initial. It turns out that this is not possible in a usual way, because the VBAProject does not expose the password to be set via code.

However, there are some ways to do this, such as using Sendkeys (unsaved):

Sub AddNewPlan()
    Dim NewPlan As Workbook
    Set NewPlan = Workbooks.Add

    With NewPlan
        .Title = "New Plan"

        Call AddSampleCode(NewPlan)
        Call ProtectVBProject(NewPlan, "abc123")

        .SaveAs "C:\NewPlan.xlsm", xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub ProtectVBProject(WB As Workbook, ByVal Password As String)
    ' Ativa a planilha a ser bloqueada

    ' Envia o comando para abrir o VBA
    SendKeys "%{F11}", True

    ' Abre a janela de proteção do projeto VBA
    WB.VBProject.VBE.CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=2578, recursive:=True).Execute

    ' Envia os comandos para digitar a senha e confirmar
    SendKeys "+{TAB}{RIGHT}%V{+}{TAB} {TAB}" & Password & "{TAB}" & Password & "~", True
End Sub

Private Sub AddSampleCode(WB As Workbook)
    Dim xPro As VBIDE.VBProject
    Dim xCom As VBIDE.VBComponent
    Dim xMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
    Dim xLine As Long

    With WB
        Set xPro = .VBProject
        Set xCom = xPro.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
        xCom.Name = "ModTeste" ' Adiciona um novo módulo padrão a planilha
        Set xMod = xCom.CodeModule

        'Adiciona o código do novo modulo
        With xMod
            .InsertLines 2, "Sub Teste()"
            .InsertLines 3, "Msgbox ""teste"""
            .InsertLines 4, "End Sub"
        End With
    End With
End Sub

This method was discussed in this topic: http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13006&p=65776#post65776

However I could not make it work properly for me, so I modified it a little because I realized that it is necessary that there is at least one standard module for the VBA lock occurs, so I included the creation of a test module in the example. The reference Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 needs to be included

The other ways would be to create a spreadsheet template with the VBA code set and fill this worksheet with data or via Windows API (that would be more complex and I have no example now).

Anyway, if the user really wants to see the code VBA there are ways to get even with password, for example using Openoffice to open your file.

  • I’m not able to use, I must activate some Reference?

  • Sorry, forgot to mention, it is necessary to reference Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3. I edited my answer with the code changed, see if it works for you.

  • There was a problem, I tested the Sendkeys, everything worked out, but he is not writing in the other spreadsheet, and ends up activating my matrix spreadsheet instead of the one that was generated.

  • Without knowing the code you are using I can’t imagine what it might be. Edit your post with the code you are using, avoiding display passwords or personal data.

  • I didn’t post all of the code because it’s too long, but this is the part I tried to put in.

  • To activate the correct spreadsheet you must pass the object Workbook correct for the first function parameter ProtectVBProject.

  • So I managed to apply your code, thank you very much, I’d like to ask how you got the code from CommandBars because I need what calls the project password, so I can lock and unlock the project quickly.

  • The code I got from the example link I posted, I didn’t even look. I know it’s possible, but that would be another question, not cool for the community and not readable to have answers to other questions in comments.

  • All right, I’ll ask another question

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