How to return data array with Join in Laravel with the DB class?


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I need some help with that SQL of Laravel:

$process = $db->table('processo')->where('nrprocesso',$id)
 ->leftJoin('viatransporte', function($viatransporte){
      $viatransporte->on('processo.idviatransporte', '=', 'viatransporte.idviatransporte')
      ->whereNotNull('processo.idviatransporte'); })
 ->leftJoin('area', function($area){
     $area->on('processo.idarea', '=', 'area.idarea')
      ->whereNotNull('processo.idarea'); })
 ->leftJoin('moeda', function($moeda){
     $moeda->on('processo.idmoedamle', '=', 'moeda.idmoeda')
       ->whereNotNull('processo.idmoedamle'); });    

This precise Join returns two records that are in the database, but returns only one record, the first, the others not. How do I return an array with all records?

->leftJoin('processodocinstrucaodespacho', function($processodocinstrucaodespacho){
                  '=', 'processodocinstrucaodespacho.idprocesso')
     ->where('processodocinstrucaodespacho.iddocinstrucaodespacho', '=', 1); })

->select('processo.*', 'area.aparea', 
         'viatransporte.nmviatransporte', 'moeda.sigla',
  • Wouldn’t it be better to take this data through the relationships between the entities? It would be something much clearer. Have tried this side?

  • So, this database is remote I am using $db = DB::Connection('pgsql');, I have not created model for these entities. I am working with 2 banks, the mysql location to save some information, and picking others from this remote.

  • 1

    Which is the SQL that should be corresponding, I think I can help you from it, one thing also the drawing of the 3 tables and their keys are very important also for solution.

  • The Join processodocinstruçáodespacho, in the database when I do this same query returns more than 1 record, but here in the code returns only the first one that is there. Thank you very much

  • Not at all @Enorio

  • Does not solve the problem, the error continues

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1 answer


$process = $db->table('processo')->where('nrprocesso',$id)
 ->leftJoin('viatransporte', function($viatransporte){
      $viatransporte->on('processo.idviatransporte', '=', 'viatransporte.idviatransporte')
      ->whereNotNull('processo.idviatransporte'); })
 ->leftJoin('area', function($area){
     $area->on('processo.idarea', '=', 'area.idarea')
      ->whereNotNull('processo.idarea'); })
 ->leftJoin('moeda', function($moeda){
     $moeda->on('processo.idmoedamle', '=', 'moeda.idmoeda')
       ->whereNotNull('processo.idmoedamle'); })->get()->toArray(); 

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