Php View Columns


Viewed 325 times


I have two columns A and B with mixed words, I want to remove, the whole row of A and B that in column B has less than 8 characters.

how do I do this in php?

  • example: testing|12345678 - but I want to view only those that contain 8 characters above |

  • Do you want to mount a Query that only displays lines where B has more than 8 characters? Or do you want to delete lines that have less than 8?

  • Beware of the question as removing the line can make sense of Delete

5 answers


You can use the functions strlen and explode to help you.

The strlen function returns the size of a string Already function explodes create an array dividing the string (2nd parameter) based on the delimiter (1st parameter ).


$string = " testando|12345678 ";

if( strlen(explode("|", $string)[1]) < 8 )


I think it is more efficient and simple if executed by mysql

$query = "SELECT id, A, B FROM table WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(B) >=8";

$recordset = mysqli_query($query, $link);


Use the strlen.

if (strlen($palavra) > 8) {
//aqui exibi


//Busca os dados na tabela
$query = "SELECT id, colunaA, colunaB FROM tabela";
//Executa a query
$result = mysqli_query($query, $link);
//Cria uma variávelaleatória para armazenar os IDs das linhas a serem removidas
$array[] = '';
//Rotina de repetição para percorrer todos os resultados
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
    //Verifica se a coluna B tem menos de 8 caracteres
    if(strlen($row['colunaB']) < 8){
        //Se a coluna B tiver menos de 8 caracteres, adiciona o ID da linha em questão na array
        $array[] = $row['id'];
//Agora a array contém apenas os IDs das linhas que precisam ser removidas
foreach ($array as $key) {
    //Cria a query com um ID de cada vez
    $query = "DELETE FROM tabela WHERE id = $key";
    //Executa a query removendo uma linha de cada vez

I think so. I tried to do it in an easy way to understand.


To list only lines containing column B with more than 8 characters:

    $pdo = Connection::Conexao(); // Conexão com o banco
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM TABELA";
    $query = $pdo->prepare($sql);           

    while ($dados = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

        if(strlen($dados["coluna_B"]) > 8) {
            // mostrando coluna A e B somente se B tiver mais de 8 caracteres
            echo $dados["coluna_A"]." - ".$dados["coluna_B"]."<br />";
        } else {

            // você também pode inserir aqui um código para deletar os registros onde
            // b for menor que 8

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