Medical Practice Class Diagram Conference


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Based on the mini-world below was modeled a Class Diagram in the Astah Community (free version with less Features that the professional for non-commercial use: - This program used to be called JUDE)

Mini-world / Scenario:

The management of patient information and appointments is essential for the organization of processes in clinics and offices. Many of these still do not have the automation necessary for appointments and access to medical records to become efficient, which creates problems for attendants, doctors and for those who need care. This makes it necessary to have a system that is able to expedite and manage appointments, as well as access to medical records.

Objective: Develop a generic system for scheduling appointments for clinics and clinics that share attendants, the main focus being the scheduling of appointments and a secondary focus the access of the patient to medical records online.

Features that the system should have:

  • Register of Attendants, Doctors, Specialties, Patients and Agreements.
  • Scheduling of consultations.
  • Dissemination of test results and medical records online.
  • Available to the attendant: Registration and scheduling functions.
  • Available to the doctor: Access to scheduled appointments for the patient’s own and medical records.
  • Available to the patient: Access to their medical records/online test results.

(thanks to the users @Jeferson Almeida and @Randrade for the idea of including the mini-world to facilitate the understanding of the proposed system for modeling)

Class diagram

Diagrama de Classes UML - Clínica Médica

From this diagram, I would like to check whether the following readings can be deducted:

In the relationship Attendant X Query:

  • 1 attendant schedules 0 or more queries.

  • 1 appointment is scheduled by 1 attendant.

In the relationship Convênio X Paciente:

  • 1 agreement has 0 or more related clients(patients).

  • 1 patient has or does not have 1 or more agreements. ( agradeço à observação do @Jeferson Almeida )

In the relationship Agreement X Consulta (Patient x Consultation x Convention):

  • 1 Agreement covers an undetermined number of Consultations

  • 1 Consultation is covered by 0 (private consultation) or 1 Agreement ( I thank the observation of @Bonifazio and @Washington da costa )

In the relationship Patient X Consultation (Patient x Consultation x Convention):

  • 1 patient has scheduled none(if just included) or multiple appointments.

  • 1 appointment is scheduled for 1 patient.

In the relationship Consultation X Chart:

  • 1 consultation will take to its end 1 medical record (and none while was not performed).

  • 1 medical record is originated in 1 consultation.

In the relationship Medical Consultation X:

  • 1 Consultation will be performed by 1 Doctor.

  • 1 Doctor may have had none (if just registered in the system) or several consultations.

In the relationship Medical Record X Medical:

  • 1 Chart is prepared by 1 Physician.

  • 1 Doctor may have prepared several Medical Records.

In the relationship Specialty X Doctor:

  • 1 Doctor has 1 or more Specialties. (thanks to @leonardopessoa’s observation )

  • Several doctors may have the same specialty.

  • May exist in the system Specialties registered that have no link with any doctor.

Is this Class Diagram correct? It’s all OK?

If the modeling is adequate, it is an example for future users who have questions in modeling UML Class Diagrams. If not, please highlight the problems encountered!

Any contribution is welcome. Thank you.

  • 2

    A doctor could not have more than one specialty?

  • @leonardopessoa Also I was in this doubt. I modeled that not, but it is a very valid question. You are correct. I corrected in the diagram.

  • 3

    I think there is a lack of places on the web where modeling of certain systems is discussed, (save dba stack.) +1 to the question

  • 1

    From the relationships raised, it seems okay.

  • 2

    Hello Antonio, I liked the question. However, I missed the "mini world" or something similar. There’s no way we can help with anything without understanding the scope of the problem first.

  • 2

    Really without a context it becomes complicated to state whether it is correct or not, but I would change one thing, I would make a relationship between Patient x Consultation x Convention, than simply to inform that a user will have only one encounter, the way I told you also keep track of which history he used in each query

  • Great idea and observations, I included mini-world and the diagram was modified for the user to have more than one health plan.

  • 1

    Antonioalexandre believe that what @Jefersonalmeida commented on a relationship Paciente x Consulta x Convenio would create yet another fk_convenio within the consultation table, thus including, it would be easy to make a query to find out how many consultations n Consultation were performed, without being necessary to consult patients

  • @Bonifazio Perfeito. Added the relationship of Convention with Consultation.

  • 2

    This question of logical model is usually very subjective. It will depend on the requirements of the target system. What you described in full is actually described by the diagrams, very good. I just don’t know if there’s an answer to this question without subjectivity.

  • Perfect @Giulianabezerra, thank you. Some comments that were made here had they been made as a response, although not being a thorough analysis would give reputation points for the help. I know it’s hard to get a say in everything, but something like, "Okay, all right," like it’s a fix, it helps. 3 people voted to close this topic due to the fact of subjectivity, but I believe that modeling is an important part of the process of developing such systems and questions can be relevant to the site and help not only me, but also many people.

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1 answer


These are my considerations, highlighted in bold.

In the relationship Convênio X Patient:

• 1 agreement has 0 or more related clients(patients). (technically says 0 or N customers)

• 1 patient has or does not have 1 or more agreements. ( I thank @Jeferson Almeida for the observation )

In relation Covenant X Consultation (Patient x Consultation x Convention):

• 1 Agreement covers an undetermined number of Consultations (OK)

• 1 Consultation is covered by 1 Agreement ( I thank the observation of Bonifazio ) (You inform that the consultation can be private, without agreement, so this statement is wrong, and the code of the agreement should not be in this table, because a query has 0 or 1 agreements)

In relation Consultation X Medical Record:

• 1 consultation will have at its end 1 medical record (and none while was not performed). (Technically: An appointment has 0 or 1 medical record)

• 1 medical record is originated in 1 query. (Is implied)

In the Medical Chart X:

• 1 Medical Record is prepared by 1 Physician.

• 1 Doctor may have prepared several Medical Records.

This relationship depends on the requirements of the system. If always the same doctor of the consultation is what makes the medical record this relationship is unnecessary

The relationship PATIENT x MEDICAL RECORD is unnecessary, because the patient in the medical record is always the same as the consultation.

  • Truth, the phrase "1 Consultation is covered by 1 Covenant" is not contemplating private consultation. I will correct. (+1)

  • As you are editing your original post, my response will make no sense, I do not know how it looks regarding the rules of the site.

  • Don’t worry about it. I add in the question I changed due to a remark from you. Also you have these comments here. By the way, in this system a doctor/clinic has several doctors and the person can consult with any of them. (responding to his penultimate remark)

  • but can the doctor in the consultation be different from the doctor in the medical record? if it’s always the same, you don’t need to replicate the code in two tables.

  • I think I understand what you’re getting at, but I’m not visualizing the tables yet, just the classes, but what you said makes perfect sense. The doctor of the consultation has to be the same doctor of the medical record.

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