I find it easier and smarter to make such parameters follow a logic. Make the script smart and do not try to process anything that is not part of the system. ignore or set exception face. A responsive execution.
Like all your controllers start with (Controller_) everything you live after (Controller_) is what we want to pick up to find out which controller and which classes to call this URL.
Now establish that all Actions begin with (Actions_) what comes after (Action_) is what we take to know what action to call in our class and what class to raise.
Finally would come the parameters which would be all the parameters:
preg_match('/^(?:[\/](?:Controller_([a-zA-Z]+)))(?:[\/]Action_([a-zA-Z]+))(?:[\/]([a-zA-Z0-9\/\-\_]+))+(?:[\/])?/', $onde, $matches);
//Analisamos o controller se tiver um controller fazemos algo se
//não houver deixa tudo para lá sem controller não há trabalho a se fazer
if((isset($matches[1]) == true) and ($matches[1] != null) ){
//Já que tem controller na variável $matches[1] seguimos em frente
// Verificamos se há action, pois se não houver paramos
// por aqui e retorna a ação padrão do referido controller
if((isset($matches[2]) == true) and ($matches[2] != null) ){
// Se estamos aqui é por que tem um action a ser executado
// Então proseguimos
//Agora verificamos se tem parâmetros, se não houver essa parte não é executada
// e é executada somente a ação padrão para o referido action
if((isset($matches[3]) == true) and ($matches[3] != null) ){
// Como estamos aqui quer dizer que há parâmetros na variável $matches[3]
// Aplicamos um explode() nele
$pedacos = explode("/", $matches[3]);
//Analisamos cada parâmetros e tomamos decisões
This regular expression accepts:
The controller can be anything as long as it follows the logic
The variables are:
The name of the controller, only what comes after the underline
The name of the action, only what comes after the underline
All parameters provided they are letters with or without numbers and strokes and underline.
It does not matter if there is a trace at the end, because it is ignored and everything that does not fit into it is also ignored.
In the case of missing a piece there are no errors the variable will have the null value.
I use this logic so I don’t have to use $_GET on my website and analyze something that is not part and does not follow the logic of the system.
I hope you help someone!
If you gave a substring to the first bar and then blew up the bar? It would suit you?
– JuniorNunes
Maybe.. but I’m looking for a solution that uses only regex, if any. Otherwise I’ll have to resort to other methods.
– Renan Cavalieri