How to instantiate an object according to a Front End event?


Viewed 83 times


Good afternoon, Folks.

I don’t know if my question makes much sense, but here goes.

For example, I have a class that has several functions, and I have my Index.php

Here we go, when I load the index and need to execute a method of a class, how do I instantiate the object of this class and execute the function according to a user action? For example, when the user clicks a button he will instantiate the Object and execute a certain function.



 class usuario{

 private nome;

 public function getNome(){
  return $this->Nome;



$usuario = new usuario();


2 answers


If I understand correctly, you want to pass a stock value to know what to do next. Normally you pass parameters by $_GET in the url, $_POST via form or breaking the url when using friendly url.

Passing an action through a link the logic is as follows:


<a href="index.php?acao=carregausuario">Carregar usuário</a>

Php code:

        $usuario = new usuario();
        $nome = $usuario->getNome();

Then just give one echo $nome; in the place where you have to display that name.

  • Perfect, so it will only generate the object if the correct POST/GET exists?

  • Yes. In this example the object will only be created if get "action" exists and if the value of get "action" equals "user load".


From HTML you cannot run a PHP code. What you can do is use javascript to make an http request for a PHP script that runs what you want.

You can make a call as in the code below in the action you want.

    type: 'POST', // Ou GET
    url: 'arquivo-com-acao-desejada.php'
  • Wouldn’t that make me have to leave the instantiated objects already? What I want to know is how to instantiate the Object according to the user’s action.

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