Facebook API - Pulling posts with Hashtag


Viewed 455 times


I’m having to apply the Facebook API to a site, pulling posts from a page, I wonder, if there’s any way to pull only posts containing a Hashtag, the API allows this?


which in this case could be seen in operation via this link:

https://graph.facebook.com/*********/posts? access_token=*************&Fields=message,full_picture,link

function fbFeed(){

     var pagina = "***********";
     var token = "************";
     var campos = "fields=message,full_picture,link";
     var limite = "4"

     var url = "https://graph.facebook.com/"+pagina+"/posts?" +
               "access_token="+token+"" +
  • You are ADM of the page that wants to pull the data?

  • Yes, I’m already able to pull all posts, but I would just like to pull the posts that contain such hashtag

  • Kick that if you have will be some operation with FQL, although I have never made this filter. However, if you do not have a direct form, you can use the filter javacript to filter only posts with such hashtag.

  • Post as you are pulling the posts, it will be easier to help you.

  • I will edit the post, putting as I am doing!

1 answer


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