Native HTML 5 Progressibar Animation


Viewed 522 times


How to animate the Progressbar below using Javascript?

<progress max="100" id="myBar" value="0" class="progressBar"></progress>

2 answers


You can use setInterval to increase the value of the bar. See the example below:

<progress max="100" id="myBar" value="0" class="progressBar"></progress>

function move(addthis) 
  var elem = document.getElementById("myBar");  
  var loaded = document.getElementById("myBar").value;
  var newvalue = loaded + addthis;
  if(newvalue>100){ newvalue=100; }
  var progressvalue = loaded;

  var id = setInterval(function(){ frame(newvalue); }, 10);
  function frame(newvalue) 
    if (progressvalue >= newvalue) 
      document.getElementById("myBar").value = progressvalue;

function zero()
      document.getElementById("myBar").value = 0;

Teste de carregamento:<br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="move(10)" value="+10%">
<input type="button" onclick="move(25)" value="+25%">
<input type="button" onclick="move(50)" value="+50%"><br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="zero()" value="Recarregar">


Simple. Just increment the attribute value of the element.

Functional example

document.getElementById('bt-iniciar').addEventListener('click', iniciarProgressBar);

function iniciarProgressBar(){
    var bar = document.getElementById("myBar");  
    bar.value = 0;

function adicionarDezPorcento() {
  var bar = document.getElementById("myBar");
  bar.value += 5;
  if(bar.value == 30) { 
    // aos 30%, esperar 3 segundos
    setTimeout(adicionarDezPorcento, 3000);            
  else if(bar.value < 100) {
    setTimeout(adicionarDezPorcento, 100);
<progress id="myBar" max="100" value="0"></progress>


<button id="bt-iniciar">Iniciar</button>

  • It worked... You would know how to for example 30% progress give a short pause to simulate a request?

  • I liked it, it looked like mine. The difference was only the use of setTimeout and setInterval.

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