How to remove a grid column using jquery


Viewed 771 times


I have a grid where I have to leave a hidden column, I’m doing this way more is not doing the way I would like because I have no way to predict how many lines will have in this column.

I have a grid, where in typename I have : I want to remove the entire column where you have this specific typename

        <title>Matheus Piscioneri</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
         <script src="" integrity="sha256-hVVnYaiADRTO2PzUGmuLJr8BLUSjGIZsDYGmIJLv2b8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function() {

        <th typename="aprovacaoAprovadorExtra" style="cursor: default" title="Aprovação - Aprovador Extra">

        <td class="">Não </td>

  • and how do you know which line is hidden ?

  • I want to hide column 21

  • I have a grid, so I can remove the th column more in the case of td I have no way of knowing how many lines will be on the grid

  • but what column 21 has different from the others?

  • each column has an ex: typename="approvedGerence"

  • @itasouza put all the information necessary to answer this question. This question, as it is, is incomprehensible.

  • @itasouza, we need something that only column 21 will have to identify her, if she does not have an exclusive information it will be impossible to do what you want...

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2 answers


One way you can hide all the columns in the rows is to iterate through them. I made an example so that you can have logic as a basis and be able to adapt to your scenario:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var coluna = 1;

  document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].querySelectorAll('tr').forEach(function(a) {
<script src=""></script>

<table border="1">

I defined the variable coluna so that he hides all the culunas set there.

  • did not work because I do not have a common table, td is not in the same structure

  • What do you mean? Sorry, I don’t understand @itasouza


Based on Lucas' code (+1), I placed a button passing the column index and turned it into a function:

		function ocultar_coluna(coluna)
			var linhas = document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].querySelectorAll('tr');
			for (var i = 0; i < linhas.length; i++) 
				var colunas = linhas[i].querySelectorAll('td');
    <script src=""></script>

    <table border="1">
          <th>Coluna 0 <input type="button" onclick="ocultar_coluna(0)" value="Ocultar"></th>
          <th>Coluna 1 <input type="button" onclick="ocultar_coluna(1)" value="Ocultar"></th>
          <th>Coluna 2 <input type="button" onclick="ocultar_coluna(2)" value="Ocultar"></th>

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