How can I open a modal after a Submit event


Viewed 948 times


I need to open a modal after a Submit happens on a certain button, I was wondering if you have any event for this, something like post-Submit.

  • When Ubmit does the page it does refresh right?

  • Aham, that refresh is not letting my modal open.

2 answers


Apparently you’re using jQuery there is only use the Event.preventDefault()

something like

$('#meuform').on('submit', function(event){
    //abre a modal aqui

That will stop the action default of the event, in this case, sending(submit) form, and will allow open your modal.

As a side effect sending the data will have to be done via ajax.

There is a "gambiarra" that depending on what you need can work. It consists of giving a return falseinstead of using the preventDefault(), usually use to do some sort of validation via js before sending.

$('#meuform').on('submit', function(event){
        //abre a modal aqui
        return false;
  • I wanted to merge the two things, I need the Submit without giving a refresh on the page, if possible without using ajax.

  • The purpose of Submit is precisely to send/write to an address, specified in the attribute action, the form data, when it does not define a action browser assume it is the current page, so refresh it. So no, there is, as far as I know, a refresh-free Submit of the page.

  • I understand your logic.

  • give a new look I edited the answer, depending on what you need can give a return false, I don’t know if that’s the case but it will...


One option is to prevent the page from being reloaded using event.preventDefault:

$( "#form" ).submit(function( event ) {
  $( "#dialog" ).show();
  • 1

    Quaseee dude, the problem that now Submit with the new Id does not happen, I think only with ajax same right.

  • Yes, it is the most suitable. You can do the POST by ajax and serialize the data in sending.

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