Error sorting positive and negative numbers Jasvascript


Viewed 260 times


I have an array with several numbers, these numbers are positive, negative and decimal as well:

var array = [365, -1.304, -17.803, -3.529, -3.602, -2.942, -2.074, -115]

I need to sort this array of MINOR to the GREATER. The result that was to be expected is:

[-17.803, -3.602, -3.529, -2.942, -2.074, -1.304, -115, 365]

But instead this is coming out:

[-115, -17.803, -3.602, -3.529, -2.942, -2.074, -1.304, 365]

The code I’m using to order:

GraphOne[Regional].sort(function(a,b){return a > b});
  • @leofontes, but -17,803 is 17,000. So 17,000 is farther than -115

  • 1

    Man, are you using .. This is decimal separator

  • @Alissonacioli yes I had read in the English convention so it made sense my comment, but you’re thinking in Portuguese.

2 answers


You need to take the . of the numbers, Javascript uses the English convention in which the . is ours ,

In this case, for them 1,100 = a comma one, while for us it would be a thousand and a hundred.

var array = [365, -1304, -17803, -3529, -3602, -2942, -2074, -115];


array.sort(function(a,b){return a > b});


It gives the correct result. I hope it was clear the confusion that was occurring.


You will have to remove the decimal points from all values in the array in order to consider it as an integer. For this you can use the Array#map, within the function by converting each number into a string, swap . by empty, and then convert to number again.

var array = [365, -1.304, -17.803, -3.529, -3.602, -2.942, -2.074, -115].map(function(x) {
  x += '';
  return Number(x.replace('.', ''));
}).sort(function(a, b) {
  return a - b;


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