Which PHP frameworks have better support for working with Nosql databases?


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I’d like to know which PHP frameworks have the best support for working with Nosql databases?

The Nosql banks I already have experience with are Mongodb, Redis and Cassandra, but I am interested in testing other options like Leveldb Memcache and Hbase. However the options I’ve worked with don’t have very good support implemented in the most modern PHP frameworks I use as Laravel 5 and ZF2.

Someone working with other frameworks where the drivers configuration work to work with this database is a more natural process? And that you have an ODM implementation similar to the Mongoose used with Node to perform queries but that is extensible to the ORM style framework Eloquent in Laravel?

Maybe if there isn’t a similar project we should start moving a community around a project geared to this need.

  • 1

    As for Redis, you can use Predis, as for PHP frameworks, I believe that Reactphp is what gives best support to new web technologies.

  • 1

    I know and have tested in the Laravel Framework, works very well, which is actually a package that can be installed in any framework that uses the package manager or can be installed outside the framework also works.

  • Virgilio I don’t understand well, are you referring to what exactly? Have you ever tested Mongodb with Laravel? Is that it? Which package did you use?

  • Could it have been this? https://github.com/jenssegers/laravel-mongodb

1 answer


While elaborating the question I found in the official Mongodb documentation a reference of the PHP Libraries to work with Mongo, answering part of my questions


I will search references from other banks and check if there is already a project that implements the configurable Nosql database driver like Laravel’s DB Diver where the database choice is transparent (in the case of relational DB).

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