How to convert RGBA pixels to characters?


Viewed 602 times


having access to the pixels of any image through the SFML library, my goal is captured and convert them to characters by placing in a new matrix (image) and then display it. For that I checked the size of the image:

sf::Vector2u tam = imagem.getSize();
int largura = tam.x;
int altura  = tam.y;

To capture the RGB format, use the following code:

// O ponteiro dos pixel originais em RGBA.
const sf::Uint8* pixels = imagem.getPixelsPtr();

Pixel* rgba = (Pixel*) pixels;
// Vetor que armazenará os pixels.
sf::Uint8* saida = new sf::Uint8[4 * largura * altura];

int tamanho = 4 * largura * altura;

for (int i = 0; i < tamanho; i++)
saida[i] = pixels[i];

What I’m doing is creating a vector that is receiving the RGBA, but still no conversion to characters, and that’s one of my doubts as is a vector as I will control when it must break the line to form the correct image?
Wouldn’t it be better to do it with a matrix?
My other question is how do I convert these pixels into characters?

I tried that way, but without success:

for (int i = 0; i < tamanho; i++)
if (atriz[i][j]>=9,4*8)
saida[i] = '@';
  • Hi! Still not able to solve that question? Did you consult the links about ASCII art? They were useful? Link 1, Link 2 and Link 3

  • You can even use an array, but it is not necessary. You can use the hint given in a reply to your other question: pixels[4 * (y * largura + x) + 0] returns the pixel R component in the coordinate (x, y). + 1 gives you back G, + 2 to B, and + 3 component A.

  • There is an error in your second code. Despite the code if (atriz[i][j]>=9,4*8) compile correctly in C/C++, I don’t believe it is producing the result you expect. What you meant by 9,4*8?

  • Hello @carlosrafaelgn all right?! I finally managed to do what I wanted to hehe :D, I was doing the calculations of wrong conversions, when getting ready put the open source code. att

  • 1

    Cool! It’ll get interesting! :)

1 answer


If you want a ratio of one character per pixel, you must break the line each x characters, where x is the width of the image. Consider inserting a line break in the multiple indexes of x. Or, as you say yourself, use a matrix.

To convert a pixel directly into a character - in this case, you can end up getting bizarre images that look nothing like the original, depending on the details. As far as I know, programs that transform an animated video or GIF into an animated ASCII art use form analysis to transform image regions into specific sets of characters, i.e.: a black pixel surrounded on the left and on top by three white pixels (using 0 pair span and 1 to black because I couldn’t draw with HTML):


It can turn into something like:




Depending on the filter used.

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