Footer does not position at the bottom of the page


Viewed 238 times


My css:

#rodape {
    bottom: 0;

.RodapeFaleConosco {

.RodapeTermoPolitica {
    float: left;

Now my code in jquery to load html

str += '<div id="rodape">';
                    str += '<div id="dvFaleConosco" class="RodapeFaleConosco">';
                    str += '<a href="../FaleConosco.aspx">';
                    str += '<img src="Images/btfaleconosco.jpg" border="0" /></a>';
                    str += '</div>';

                    str += '<div id="dvTermoPolitica" class="RodapeTermoPolitica">';
                    str += '<span class="HomeTextoDestaque" style="font-size: 10px; padding-left: 100px; text-align: center;">Virgula99';
                    str += '- 2013 - Todos os direitos reservados.</span>';
                    str += '</div>';
                    str += '</div>';

                    str = "";

My cshtml

<form id="formPesquisa"  method="post">
            <input type="text" id="txtCnpjPesquisa" name="txtCnpjPesquisa" onkeypress=" return SomenteNumero(event);" placeholder="Digite um cnpj válido"/>
            <button id="btnPesquisarCnpj" name="btnPesquisarCnpj" class="btn-pesquisa" >Pesquisar</button>

            <div id="filtroPesquisa">



        <div id="rodapeGeral">

        <input type="hidden" id="txtTipoStatus" value="" />

When I load some texts, the footer is in the middle of them and not at the bottom (footnote).

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3 answers


The way it is will not appear any information from the div "rodape", as it is missing the initialization of "str" in your JS code. Use var str = "" before the str += "<div… or use directly str = "<div… without concatenating.


If I understand correctly, you want the form(s and inputs) to appear at the end of html, then add this to your css:

body, html{width:100%; height:100%}
form{position:absolute; bottom:0 }


puts the clear:Both; tag in your footer css.

  • 2

    Could you elaborate on how the clear: both would solve the problem? As it stands, the question provides little information about what is going wrong.

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