Function returns a string instead of a prefix


Viewed 390 times


The code below returns a promise:

function getDealerships(region) {
    return $.ajax({
        method: "GET",
        url: "/api/v1/dealerships?region=" + region

So I can wait for the server reset and process the result:

var dealerships = getDealerships('sul');

The problem is that I need to implement a simple cache system to prevent the server from being consulted if the user chooses the same region:

var dealershipsCache = [];

function getDealerships(region) {
    if ( region in  dealershipsCache )
        return dealershipsCache[region];

    return $.ajax({
        method: "GET",
        url: "/api/v1/dealerships?region=" + region

Note that if the region is cached, its value is returned, but what is expected is a promise and not a string.

How to solve the problem?

2 answers


You have to create a "fake" Promise, ie that gives immediate return if region in dealershipsCache give real, to getDealerships always give a Promise as a result.

You can do it like this:

var dealershipsCache = [];

function getDealerships(region) {
    return new Promise(function(res, fail) {
        if (region in dealershipsCache) {
        } else {
                method: "GET",
                url: "/api/v1/dealerships?region=" + region,
                success: function(response) {

If you need to use technology prior to Promises, and so support older browsers, you can do so, with callbacks:

var dealershipsCache = {};
function getDealerships(region, done) {
    if (region in dealershipsCache) {
        return done(dealershipsCache[region]);
    } else {
            method: "GET",
            url: "/api/v1/dealerships?region=" + region,
            success: function(response) {

and then you call it so:

getDealerships('brazil', function(res){
    // e aqui podes usar a resposta
  • I made a similar solution in angular. Several calls that were made in HTTP I remade with a Promise that returned the same object Sponse, worked well

  • It is worth remembering that you have to be careful so that the fail be called, otherwise there will be a silent failure in the execution of Promise.

  • Sergio, the documentation does not work in IE: and I really need to consider IE.

  • See if that answer help you.

  • @Filipemoraes put together a solution for older, old-fashioned browsers (which I still prefer today).


To turn a value into a Promise that there was success of response, just you encapsulate the value with Promise.resolve.

var dealershipsCache = [];

function getDealerships(region) {
    if ( region in  dealershipsCache )
        return Promise.resolve(dealershipsCache[region]);

    return $.ajax({
        method: "GET",
        url: "/api/v1/dealerships?region=" + region

Solution with jQuery.Deferred:

var dealershipsCache = [];

function getDealerships(region) {
    var defer = null;
    if ( region in  dealershipsCache ) {
        defer = $.Deferred();
        return defer.promise();

    return $.ajax({
        method: "GET",
        url: "/api/v1/dealerships?region=" + region

Solution with $.fn.promise [NOTE: in some older versions this solution will not work):

var dealershipsCache = [];

function getDealerships(region) {
    if ( region in  dealershipsCache ) {
        return $(dealershipsCache[region]).promise().then(function(elements) {
          return elements[0];

    return $.ajax({
        method: "GET",
        url: "/api/v1/dealerships?region=" + region
  • but according to the documentation, Promise does not work in IE:

  • Friend, your question asks for Promise, not "Promise from jQuery", you better ask your question then... but anyway, until which version of IE need to support? See if this fits:

  • Gabriel, is there in the jquery tag, including the example uses jquery, which is not a precedent.

  • The cache must be the value itself, it cannot be the "jQuery Promise"?

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