Monitor external HTTP requests within the page


Viewed 154 times


Good morning gentlemen.

It is possible to monitor page requests?

I say: All the files that are called there, example: css, js, img, video, mp3, iframe...

Any request HTTP.

  • Want to do this in Nodejs? with native http or library?

  • Sergio, first thank you for your attention.

  • You mean Node: yes, native http yes?

  • I know a little bit of php and I did not find anything practical there. If you have anything else that gives me the result, it will be better than I have.

  • I can’t answer your question. I just have a url ex: and I want to see what it calls. What would it be?

  • But either php or Node.js? do you know the difference between the two? Are you going to build a new server or already have one? If you want to know what a page from another domain calls internally that’s not possible.

  • Within php and are not server-side files but client-side. Everything that is passed by the browser. We can see that from the Chrome Speed mode, but I want to automate this.

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